Patuxent River Karate Club


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
I just took over as sensei (teacher) at the Patuxent River Karate Club.

It is open to anyone school age and older, who can get on Pax River. That includes dependents. We meet Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1730 to 1930 for regular class.
Saturdays from 1000 to 1200, there is individual study as long as there is a 2nd Dan (2nd degree black belt) there and classes or testing by appointment only with me.

We teach Okinawan Shorin-ryu Matsumura Orthodox karate and kobudo and Hakutsuru (white crane) for advanced black belts. Shorin-ryu Matsumura Orthodox was not taught to non Okinawans until the 1960's. It is the style that was taught to the Okinawan Emperor's body guards. It is not fancy, but it is effective. It is also a style that is not just for the very young or flexible. The style adapts to almost anyone's body and flexibility very well. O'Sensei Hohan Soken practiced until he died at the age of 93.

The dojo (school) is behind the drill hall. It is a dojo and is treated that way with discipline. We have fun, but we are there to learn.

I have instituted an Americanized ranking similar to the Tai Kwon Do schools (some, especially kids, like the quick belt color advancement) in addition to the traditional belt system.

Dues are a fraction of what commercial schools charge. You will get good instruction. I am a Kyoshi, nanadan (7th degree black belt). The Kyoshi, hatidan (8th degree) that I took over from visits often.

You can get in shape and learn to protect yourself.

If you are interested, just show up Tuesday or Thursday.
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Can one show up without a Gi and try it out for a day?

Do children and adults have seperate class times?

Are there tournaments the club attends?


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
The web site for Patuxent River Karate Club is under construction The club is affiliated with the Konanryu Kohokan Karate Kobudo Hakutsuru Kyokai Association. Their web site is here ->

People who would like to try it out for a while without a Gi are welcome to attend for up to a month. Sweats are preferred but tee shirt and shorts are OK. No class attendance credit is given until an application is filled out and returned and dues are paid or waived due to financial hardship. The first rank requirement is to have a Gi and wear it.

Adults and children meet at the same times. The Dojo is treated as a school and proper discipline and Dojo etiquette is required from all ages. The class is divided into times when all students workout together and times when it is broken into groups of different levels, Kyu, Dan, or ability, and each group is taught what they need to work on. We encourage parent and child, spouse participation. Dues are discounted for multiple members from the same family and household. The Americanized ranking that is popular with younger students includes incentives to be good students in the Dojo and their regular school, do chores in the home, and the like.

Individuals are welcome to participate in tournaments, but as yet, there have been no club sanctioned tournaments. Historically, tournaments and uncontrolled sparring are where people get injured and more often than not, good karate is not used.
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Should be Huntin
2ndAmendment said:
Dang wish I was closer and could get on base. I would love to get back into Karate. I took Tang so do, Tae Kwon Doe and Hapkido. Dummy me as soon as I turned 16 I got my Jeep on the road and started working so I had to quit taking classes. I started when I was 8 or 9 I think, taught me a lot, more for my attitude than anything. I know I would have been in a ton of fights if I had not taken those classes. I was taught to avoid the fight never start anything and then defend when needed. I have broken up a few bar fights, had a guy pull a knife on me and I was able to put him down without hurting him or myself. :yay:


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Magnum said:
Dang wish I was closer and could get on base. I would love to get back into Karate. I took Tang so do, Tae Kwon Doe and Hapkido. Dummy me as soon as I turned 16 I got my Jeep on the road and started working so I had to quit taking classes. I started when I was 8 or 9 I think, taught me a lot, more for my attitude than anything. I know I would have been in a ton of fights if I had not taken those classes. I was taught to avoid the fight never start anything and then defend when needed. I have broken up a few bar fights, had a guy pull a knife on me and I was able to put him down without hurting him or myself. :yay:

I teach that the best fight is the one you are not in. The second best fight is the one you win. If you are forced to fight, end it quickly.


aka Mrs. Giant
2A -
Can I get on base? And can I only make one class a week? And and I only want to improve my walking skills....


I'm Rick James #####!
2A, is there any possibility of other groups using the Dojo for training on days that the Karate club does not meet?


New Member
Lugnut said:
2A, is there any possibility of other groups using the Dojo for training on days that the Karate club does not meet?

The dojo is used 6 days out of 7. Aikido club uses it on Monday and Wednesday. The Karate club uses it Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. I believe that you'd have to have the permission of both Senseis and MWR for any other activities there. And to be honest, I don't see that happening (security, wear/tear, etc). But I guess you could try. It wouldn't hurt to contact MWR to see if they have any other facilities available.


New Member
migtig said:
2A -
Can I get on base? And can I only make one class a week? And and I only want to improve my walking skills....

Come as much or as little as you want. Walking is part of the basics. :yay: Keeping your hands up is another. :wink:

Once you are a member, you can get base access. Until then, one of us can pick you up outside the gate before class. :yay:


I'm Rick James #####!
Ponytail said:
The dojo is used 6 days out of 7. Aikido club uses it on Monday and Wednesday. The Karate club uses it Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. I believe that you'd have to have the permission of both Senseis and MWR for any other activities there. And to be honest, I don't see that happening (security, wear/tear, etc). But I guess you could try. It wouldn't hurt to contact MWR to see if they have any other facilities available.

Thanks PT :yay:

I'm having a hard time finding space to train. I have equipment in my garage but space is tight for two people and training with more than two people is simply not possible.

I'll keep looking.


New Member
Lugnut said:
Thanks PT :yay:

I'm having a hard time finding space to train. I have equipment in my garage but space is tight for two people and training with more than two people is simply not possible.

I'll keep looking.

guess I should have looked at the post date/time before answering for 2A. Hopefully he'll help you out here soon. He's been under the weather but now see that he did post in the thread today. I'll shut up now. :biggrin: It's tough to do...I'm bored. :shrug: I'll go study. :lol:


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Lugnut said:
Thanks PT :yay:

I'm having a hard time finding space to train. I have equipment in my garage but space is tight for two people and training with more than two people is simply not possible.

I'll keep looking.
What do you train in?


aka Mrs. Giant
Ponytail said:
Come as much or as little as you want. Walking is part of the basics. :yay: Keeping your hands up is another. :wink:

Once you are a member, you can get base access. Until then, one of us can pick you up outside the gate before class. :yay:

:smack: 2A - do I get to beat up PT? (joking) I just need to practice my basic walking skills. :lol: PT - I'll call ya next week to get you to meet me out front.