Calvert Co. Paula Gray Graduates from Academy for Excellence in Local Governance

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Paula Gray
Calvert County Director of Human Resources Paula Gray is among 92 graduates to be recognized by the Academy for Excellence in Local Governance for their dedication to leadership and public service through completion of the program.

The Academy for Excellence in Local Governance is a voluntary professional development program for local government officials founded by the Maryland Association of Counties and the Maryland Municipal League. The two-year program encompasses foundational learning in core governance concepts and deep discussion of the business of governing.

"We are very proud of Paula for this achievement," said Calvert County Administrator Terry Shannon. "This is a rigorous program and we know it will benefit both her professional growth and enable her to better serve the citizens of Calvert County."

To earn a certificate, participants – called Fellows – complete core studies in conducting effective meetings, consensus and team building and financial management, along with more technical studies of specific laws and governing requirements such as the Public Information Act and the Open Meetings Act. Elective courses provide immersion into best practices and topics that cover the wide spectrum of government services, including emergency management, environmental issues, land use, human resources and more.

The program is sponsored by the Local Government Insurance Trust and facilitated by the University of Maryland School of Public Policy.

Paula Gray was appointed as human resources director in 2015 and has served in Calvert County Government for 39 years.