Pavarotti and James Brown on stage? WOW


J.F. A sus ordenes!
smsd said:
That was great! Thanks!

Can you imagine that deal being put together and the drugs the guy was on that came up with the idea? To hear the collaboration between the parties would be interesting enough!


dont be dumb
whats even more amazing is the pavarotti managed to carry the whole show by himself with browns corspe just sitting there grinning at the audience!


J.F. A sus ordenes!
CAPPY2609 said:
whats even more amazing is the pavarotti managed to carry the whole show by himself with browns corspe just sitting there grinning at the audience!

Okay, I laughed at that. :lmao:


New Member
Have they buried James Brown yet? ,or is he still in his air conditioned closet at home?

Last I heard they were so busy fighting over the estate James was still lying around.


J.F. A sus ordenes!
I'mno Mensa said:
Have they buried James Brown yet? ,or is he still in his air conditioned closet at home?

Last I heard they were so busy fighting over the estate James was still lying around.

According to this article he was buried.

James Brown Finally Buried
By: Julianne Shepherd
POSTED: 10:24 EST, March 12, 2007

The Godfather of Soul was buried in a crypt on his daughter's property in Beech Island, South Carolina.

Seventy-six days after his death, the Godfather of Soul was finally laid to rest on Beech Island, South Carolina. He was buried in a crypt at the home of his daughter, Deanna Brown Thomas. The Rev. Al Sharpton presided over the burial: among those present were Brown's six adult children, his partner Tomi Rae Hynie, and their five-year-old son. According to Reverend Sharpton, the burial was paid for by the adult children since disputes over Brown's estate were still being debated in the courts. There is a possibility that Brown's body will be moved later to a public mausoleum and memorial garden, depending on the outcome of that dispute, as arrangements were made by trustees for Brown's body to rest in a public garden in Augusta. But for now, the Godfather of Soul is finally buried peacefully.