Pax Child Development Center?

We may have to find a new daycare provider :bawl: it's going to be very, very difficult to replace her; it took us four months to find someone who we were comfortable with, and we've all grown to love her! Anyway, if she does end up moving, we will be looking for a new provider (obviously). We are eligible to use the base's daycare, but I don't know anything about it. FWIW, we have 3yo twins and a 5yo who only needs before and after care (but needs to stay w/in bus range for the charter school). Does anyone have any thoughts on the base daycare? Please PM me if your comments are not for public eyes :)


Back in the saddle
We may have to find a new daycare provider :bawl: it's going to be very, very difficult to replace her; it took us four months to find someone who we were comfortable with, and we've all grown to love her! Anyway, if she does end up moving, we will be looking for a new provider (obviously). We are eligible to use the base's daycare, but I don't know anything about it. FWIW, we have 3yo twins and a 5yo who only needs before and after care (but needs to stay w/in bus range for the charter school). Does anyone have any thoughts on the base daycare? Please PM me if your comments are not for public eyes :)

Alot of my coworkers us the base daycare. None of them has ever had a problem.

only complaint I've heard from one parent is how often their child has been sick since starting base day care. But none of the others seem to have that problem. Their children get sick but not as often.


We are also looking into this and would love any feedback. TC Girl I PM'd you. Thanks for anyone elses input!


New Member
I don't have any firsthand experience w/ the base CDC here, but I will chime in to say that the facilities on base for childcare are held to very high standards.