Pax River Raiders


New Member
My son will be playing flag football for them in August. Can anyone tell me about their experience with them?


Active Member
My son and nephew played for them last year. We liked it. They want to play for them again this year.


New Member
From what I hear they are a class organization with a good reputation.

If didn't live in the North end of St. Mary's I'd probably play my kid in that organization. :)


Active Member
From what I hear they are a class organization with a good reputation.

If didn't live in the North end of St. Mary's I'd probably play my kid in that organization. :)

:howdy: They're adding that area to their roster this year. You should check it out.


My son will be playing flag football for them in August. Can anyone tell me about their experience with them?

Great outfit. Well run and very well organized by Chris Pixton. If you have any problems just find him and he will fix them - nice guy.
We were with them when they started and were very pleased with the league and teams.


New Member
Since this is the first year my son will be doing sports i hope to volunteer in the near future. I think this is one of the many perks of being a parent.


New Member
Been with them since the start... and its nice having schedules in advance, and not being cussed out... knowing that everyone gets equiptment at the same time... not the favorite teams first then the rest... referees aren't relatives, they travel from out of the area, so you don't have to worry about the drama there (It deosn't make them perfect mind you, they still call some horrible things... and miss some too... but no ones perfect!! at least its not on a personal level...)

Chris keeps things simple and that makes it easier for the parents I think... the only thing I see is he doesn't "demand" the help the way pigskin did, where each team had concessions, pizza sales etc, no door to door selling fundraisers, we have a basket bingo, and a raffle for season tickets to the Redskins, pretty simple... Chris won't stalk the parents to help out, I usually see the same few people helping him... and lots that could help but choose not too... (but I won't say any names...) I think he should make ALL the coaches help more with fields & concessions... but he doesn't, he leaves it up to you, if you want to come over and help, he'll take it... which was a nice change from being told you had to do it... but you'd think more people would be willing to help out when not being forced, but I guess not...

The only thing I don't like is the way the age/weight is set up, they go by birth year for age, so if your son turns 8 in December, he's 8 for that season, when technically he's only 7... so you have a smaller/younger kid playing with bigger/older players... I would like the dates adjusted to what age you are during the season, not after it... I also don't like that most of the age/weight brackets make exceptions for heavier kids, but basically leave smaller kids to fend for themselves, I have a smaller son who has a late birthday so he's stuck playing with kids a year older than him, and usually 10 or more pounds heavier than him... but he loves it...

Overall for the Pax River Raiders, I'd give them a 9.8 out of 10... cause nothing is perfect... and I've been know to get a bug up the as$ about something here and there... but its a great organization and the kids I've seen have loved it and my kids love it... I'm not getting cussed at, so I love it... can't go wrong...

Sign ups start online in April I'd check out the website... the have a lot of info



New Member
That's okay, maybe with SMYFL coming into the picture they decided not to? Not enough kids in the county, especially with the soccer and all too, and the limited amount of fields.

Also, I'd think that it would more likely be another team starting up in that same league with them and the Calvert teams.


New Member
Anyone who has kids age 4 going to sign there kids up this year? My son will be 4 in June is playing in August. Just wanted to meet some parents thats all.


New Member
I have one that will be 4 in October that is playing flag this year. I have coached my oldest boy the past two seasons for Chris and there is nothing better than being able to share your own experiences with children other than your own. I can say with certainty that you will love the "family" style of play that comes with being a Pax River Raider. I wish you and your son the best of luck, hopefully he learns a lot and most of all has a ton of fun.


New Member
We just moved to the St. Mary's area less then a year ago. Our 7 yr. old daughter wants to do cheerleading. Do they do youth cheer as well? I heard a couple people complaining about the Pigskins cheerleading the other day so I am reluctant to put her in that. If you or anyone has any info you can give me I'd appreciate it. The Pax River Raiders site says nothing about cheer.


New Member
Our boys play for the Raiders and we've been super happy with the experience. We were told to steer clear of pigskin, so I cannot offer personal experience with them.
I'm sure there'll be a rotten apple coach in every league, but the ones we've been with have been great. Chris Pixton is great, runs a first class organization.


New Member
The Pax River Raiders offer Flag Football, Tackle Football & Cheerleading.

Online Registration for the 2009 fall season will begin April 1st.

Our first In Person registration will be April 4th, at the California Wal-mart from 9am-3pm.

Teams will fill up very fast this year, so please register your child soon.

You may visit us at our website Pax River Raiders Youth Football & Cheerleading, you may also call us or email us if you have any questions, or 301-862-4155.

Hope to see your child on the field this fall.

We will be adding a Cheerleading & Flag Football section to our website in the next couple of days. The site is brand new and we are still working on adding information.
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