Pay Attention...

Larry Gude

Strung Out,,1713178,00.html

Rioting over the controversial cartoons depicting the Prophet Muhammad claimed another 16 lives last night in Nigeria as churches were burned by protesting Muslims.

Are you paying attention?

The violence erupted as the Danish cartoonist whose drawings originally sparked the furore, Kurt Westergaard, used an interview with a British newspaper to defend the right to a free press - and said the Islamic faith provided 'spiritual ammunition' for terrorism.

Hello out there?

In Britain, a poll of Muslims last night found evidence of growing alienation, with four in 10 calling for religious sharia law to be imposed in parts of the UK with a mainly Muslim population. The law specifies stonings and amputations as punishments, and involves religious police bringing suspects before courts.

Knock, knock.

The Italian reforms minister, Roberto Calderoli, resigned yesterday after being blamed for sparking clashes in Libya - which killed 11 - by wearing a T-shirt on TV bearing the most controversial cartoon. In Tripoli, the General People's Congress fired the interior minister, Nasser al-Mabrouk Adballah, and local police chiefs, saying disproportionate force had been used against protesters.

Why has Hollywood not raised a statue of this guy yet?

Where the hell is our press? Where are the DU freaks and moveon nuts? Why are they not in streets in support of these people, the cartoon guy and the T shirt guy? This is EXACTLY the kind of thing they accuse the US of being like, religious based loons who will stone people and kill them for being different or outspoken.

This is a shining moment, the point in time to stand up and speak out or... a bunch of hypocritical cowards.
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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
Where the hell is our press?
Are you kidding? The most we're going to get out of them is a "More rioting today... :tsktsk: " They're skeered someone might call them "insensitive".

Interesting to note that throughout history, diplomacy doesn't work - brute force does. All current world leaders might want to refamiliarize themselves with the "fall of the Roman Empire" - the parallels with what's going on in the world today are frightening.

I think it's inevitable that the US and other modern countries will "fall" as well. Our problem is that we're oh-so civilized and cannot comprehend or fight against sheer brutality and aggression. We don't want to "offend" the Vandals, so we try "negotiating" with them, which is ridiculous.

It makes me wild when I see some kook on TV defending the Muslim rioting, like they are perfectly justified in killing people and burning churches because of a cartoon. They just flat don't get it.


New Member
Rioting over the controversial cartoons depicting the Prophet Muhammad claimed another 16 lives last night in Nigeria as churches were burned by protesting Muslims.
I think we should be more tolerant and try to understand their religion..... :killingme