PBR World Cup


abbey normal
Anyone watch, good show!

we went to Baltimore to see a PBR show live, it was great!! Didn't know the World cup had already come up, they show enough reruns I should be able to catch it sometime soon. If you have not been to a live PBR show I would recommend it, also it is pretty cool to be right in the middle of the city and just to see groups of people with cowboy hats and boots on walking the streets of Baltimore was cool, I thought it was cool anyways.


Horse Poor
I have been to the one in Baltimore and Alburquerque. There are so much fun..!!! I met Ty Murray in N.M.:yahoo:


New Member
oooohhh you made me drool ----- Ty Murray!:drool:

Wouldnt mind gawking at Guilherme Marchie (bad spelling) either.

Is Ty cool in person?