I've been considering - slightly - the idea of upgrading my PDA. I don't use it for much other than entertainment on the commute, carrying documents, reading books etc. I use a Palm Tungsten E, which is ok.
Basically, I hate using a stylus for typing in long task notes and such. It just takes so damned long in a meeting where people are making comments, and a keyboard is just much better. I *can* get keyboards for my PDA, but if I upgrade, I might just go with other options - such as one that COMES WITH a keyboard.
Does anyone have one they prefer? And for what reasons? Me, personally, I could care less if I have Bluetooth, Wireless or Internet. I just want ease of use and battery life, but I'd like to hear how other people use theirs.
Basically, I hate using a stylus for typing in long task notes and such. It just takes so damned long in a meeting where people are making comments, and a keyboard is just much better. I *can* get keyboards for my PDA, but if I upgrade, I might just go with other options - such as one that COMES WITH a keyboard.
Does anyone have one they prefer? And for what reasons? Me, personally, I could care less if I have Bluetooth, Wireless or Internet. I just want ease of use and battery life, but I'd like to hear how other people use theirs.