Pelosi push's back against the Bishop.


Well-Known Member

To me this is a funny read. Not funny ha ha just funny strange.

This is what she states.
. “These same people are against contraception, family planning, in vitro fertilization. It’s a blanket thing and they use abortion as the front man for it.”

Wait a minute Bitch. What is this "These same people " Sht.
You proclaim to be one of these people. You claim to be Catholic. You and that dipstick Joe Biden use it and expect to get the Catholic vote . You are according to your own claim One of these people.
These rules have been in effect forever, and you know it. It is no surprise to you.

If you do not wish to support the Church you claim to belong to you need to find another religion, to lay claim to, and sto saying you are Catholic. because obviously you are not.

Call Al Sharptongue. maybe he will let you in his Church, since you so often agree.

black dog

Free America
After 40+ years of being a civil servant, why does the archbishop feel the need to make this a problem now?


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Nancy Pelosi Draws Up Articles Of Impeachment Against The Pope

WASHINGTON, D.C.—After being denied communion in her home city of San Francisco, House Speaker Pelosi has retaliated against the insult by introducing articles of impeachment against Pope Francis.

"Denying me the Eucharist is a high crime. It's not even the Pope's job to deny communion to anyone," said Pelosi to gathered reporters in Washington. "Who does he think he is? He's gone mad with power! It is, therefore, my solemn Constitutional duty to draft articles of impeachment to be sent to the Senate so Pope Francis can be tried for his crimes."

When pressed as to whether Congress actually has the authority to impeach a pope, Pelosi responded that "we have to impeach him first in order to find out whether we can do it."



Well-Known Member
Nancy doesn't need Catholicism, she has the democrat party as her church.
The democrats quench her thirst for power. What has being catholic ever done for her.


Well-Known Member
Nancy doesn't need Catholicism, she has the democrat party as her church.
The democrats quench her thirst for power. What has being catholic ever done for her.
I still can’t believe there was no blow back (pun intended) for her ripping up Trump’s SOTU address for the World to see. That’s when I knew WE were in trouble. Not to mention her little clappy hands towards Trump. What a power monger descended from mafia, lying traitor, insider trader, ignore her own rules salon biatch she is. Period. I know where she will end up, and it will be very freaking hot. God bless the USA.