Pelosi say's the Biden Administration has the Border under control


Well-Known Member

I didn't understand WTF she was talking about really, she was mumbling on and not making much sense to me , but I believe the gist of the conversation was that Biden had the situations at the border under control.

She is as crazy as he is. Don't believe your eyes, believe what we tell you to believe.
Now as far as being under control the Governor of Texas is saying there is a Covid outbreak at the camps.
Does that mean q quarantine is in effect there or will they be sent around the country as Typhoid Mary's for the Covid.?
We all know they aren't being checked at the border, But how does Covid affect the "under control" situation.

Some of these kids have been sequestered in containers for weeks already and now they are to be quarantined for another 2 weeks?
Just asking.


Power with Control
I think they need this guy......



Well-Known Member

I didn't understand WTF she was talking about really, she was mumbling on and not making much sense to me , but I believe the gist of the conversation was that Biden had the situations at the border under control.

She is as crazy as he is. Don't believe your eyes, believe what we tell you to believe.
Now as far as being under control the Governor of Texas is saying there is a Covid outbreak at the camps.
Does that mean q quarantine is in effect there or will they be sent around the country as Typhoid Mary's for the Covid.?
We all know they aren't being checked at the border, But how does Covid affect the "under control" situation.

Some of these kids have been sequestered in containers for weeks already and now they are to be quarantined for another 2 weeks?
Just asking.
The border IS under control - of the illegal aliens.