Pelosi’s Capitol Police disguised as construction workers break into congressman’s office…


PREMO Member

The stunning, Watergate-style scandal comes after almost a year of warnings that Speaker Pelosi and Democrats in Congress were politicizing the Capitol Police, using them as a Stasi-style enforcement unit against GOP opponents. Reports suggest Capitol Police have built intelligence dossiers on those illegally investigated.

In the aftermath of January 6th, a Joe Biden donor – Yogananda Pittman – was appointed the acting chief of the Capitol Police. She now serves as the Assistant Chief for Protective and Intelligence Operations. Pittman is responsible for “operations concerning the safety and security of the U.S. Capitol, Members of Congress, staff and visitors to include threat detection and prevention as well as the physical security systems throughout the Capitol Complex.”



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Stasi...I mean, Capitol Police says:

February 8, 2022
Press Release
This morning a U.S. Representative complained about one of our vigilant officers. Chief Manger stands by his officer.
The United States Capitol Police is sworn to protect Members of Congress. If a Member’s office is left open and unsecured, without anyone inside the office, USCP officers are directed to document that and secure the office to ensure nobody can wander in and steal or do anything else nefarious. The weekend before Thanksgiving, one of our vigilant officers spotted the Congressman’s door was wide open. That Monday, USCP personnel personally followed up with the Congressman’s staff and determined no investigation or further action of any kind was needed. No case investigation was ever initiated or conducted into the Representative or his staff.” – U.S. Capitol Police Chief Tom Manger

Which doesn't explain why they were impersonating construction workers and taking pictures.....


Well-Known Member
Capitol Police ---------Intelligence Division Somehow those 4 words just don't go together.

Yogananda Pittman-------------self explanatory


PREMO Member

GOP Congressman Accuses Capitol Police Of Spying On Him

The Federalist first reported that the Capitol Police I.G. “has opened a formal investigation into whether the law enforcement agency tasked with securing the Capitol has been inappropriately surveilling elected members of Congress, their staff, and visitors to their offices.”

“The opening of the investigation follows news reports and accusations from lawmakers that USCP has overstepped its bounds as it tries to recover from the January 6 riots that tarnished both the Capitol and the reputation of the law enforcement agency that was supposed to keep it safe,” The Federalist added.

The Federalist also reported that Nehls’ office was targeted by police:

Suspicions that USCP may not be acting appropriately did not arise in a vacuum, however. In November 2021, a USCP officer entered the congressional office of Rep. Troy Nehls, R-Tex., and took a photo of a whiteboard in Nehls’ legislative office detailing various legislative plans being considered by Nehls and his staff. In a formal police report filed several days after the incident, the officer wrote that he had been conducting a routine security patrol on Saturday, November 21, and discovered that one of the doors to Nehls’ office was open.
The report claimed that the officer entered Nehls’ office and found a whiteboard that contained “suspicious writings mentioning body armor[.]” The officer reportedly took a photo of the whiteboard, which was then passed around to analysts within USCP. The following Monday, USCP dispatched three plain-clothed intelligence officers to Nehls’ office and questioned a staffer who was there about the whiteboard and the legislative proposals it contained.


Well-Known Member
We have people in jail with no opportunity to have bail and no court date set.
They are political prisoners of the Democrats and Nancy Pelosi's wild accusations of an insurrection that is BS, and they are being held in violation of American laws requiring a speedy trial.

We have a Capitol Police Officer, a Lieutenant who murdered a female veteran in his panic and he has actually received commendations from Pelosi for that act.

Why is it hard to believe that Nancy Pelosi has turned the Capitol Police into her own Gestapo?

Is there a danger of a Civil War? well: It isn't imminent. But we have 3 more years of gestapo tactics a DOJ that is a joke and God only knows what the Democrats have in mind before they burn their bridges waiting for their 2022 disaster.


PREMO Member
According to Nehls, who previously served as sheriff of Fort Bend County, Texas, his office whiteboard specifically called out faulty Chinese body armor. In fact, that Washington Post article was a key catalyst spurring Nehls to consider drafting legislation banning the procurement of Chinese body armor, a spokesman for Nehls told The Federalist.

What the police report did not include was any reference to multiple items on Nehls’ whiteboard immediately following the words “body armor” referencing Export Administration Regulations dealing specifically with Chinese imports or U.S. Department of Justice standards for certifying body armor.

In correspondence on the matter with the House Administration Committee, USCP Chief Manger said the responding officer who investigated Nehls’ office was also concerned by “an outline of the Rayburn Building with an X marked at the C Street entrance” drawn on the whiteboard. A Nehls spokesman told The Federalist it was little more than a crude map to help an intern find an ice machine in the Rayburn House Office Building.

“If Capitol Police leadership had spent as much time preparing for January 6 as they spent investigating my white board, the January 6 riot never would have happened,” Nehls, a former law enforcement officer, told The Federalist. “When I was a patrol officer responding to a call, I didn’t have the time or authority to go rifling through someone’s personal papers. There are serious 4th Amendment, constitutional issues at play here.”

Although Manger claimed in one e-mail that USCP agents were concerned the whiteboard may have contained a “veiled threat” to Nehls’ life, USCP never personally contacted Nehls to warn him that he may have been in danger, Nehls told The Federalist.

The Capitol Police’s treatment of Nehls and his office only fueled the fire of suspicion between lawmakers and USCP leadership that had been smoldering following the January 6 riot. One Republican congressional aide told The Federalist that rather than addressing the massive security and intelligence failures by USCP that allowed the post-election protests to spiral into riots, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi instead doubled down on failure and used the uproar as a pretext for turning the Capitol Police into her own force of political mercenaries.

“Instead of fixing the obvious problems with Capitol security, Pelosi used January 6 as an excuse to create her own personal Praetorian Guard,” the aide said.
