Penn company: tree butchers, not trimmers


New Member
Is there any place to complain about the hatchet job the Penn butchers have done this afternoon? Are they with SMECO or the phone company? They cut all the limbs off one thin tree from from bottom (way below the lines) just about all the way up--tree now looks like a celery stalk. Why the hell didn't they just chop it down? Seems top heavy to me now. They hacked the limbs off of a beautiful old oak tree--even though when they last blasted through 5-7 years ago that crew left it be. What kind of training do these people have? Any at all?
Now I have what appears to be the beginnings of a road on my property from their trucks. A real sad mess. Does it do any good to complain? Thanks for any info.


New Member
chasco said:
Is there any place to complain about the hatchet job the Penn butchers have done this afternoon? Are they with SMECO or the phone company? They cut all the limbs off one thin tree from from bottom (way below the lines) just about all the way up--tree now looks like a celery stalk. Why the hell didn't they just chop it down? Seems top heavy to me now. They hacked the limbs off of a beautiful old oak tree--even though when they last blasted through 5-7 years ago that crew left it be. What kind of training do these people have? Any at all?
Now I have what appears to be the beginnings of a road on my property from their trucks. A real sad mess. Does it do any good to complain? Thanks for any info.

yes call Penn directly, and they will put all of the limbs back on ASAP.


Lobster Land
Wait until next Winters storms and see if you lose electric an/or telephone for hours because branches fell on the lines. Maybe then you'll feel a little different.


New Member
they are smeco subcontractor's.. they don't get paid to make the trees look nice just to get limbs away from the lines......

Hey heres a IDEA Run for SEMCO B.O.D. next year if its that bad.


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chasco said:
Is there any place to complain about the hatchet job the Penn butchers have done this afternoon? Are they with SMECO or the phone company? They cut all the limbs off one thin tree from from bottom (way below the lines) just about all the way up--tree now looks like a celery stalk. Why the hell didn't they just chop it down? Seems top heavy to me now. They hacked the limbs off of a beautiful old oak tree--even though when they last blasted through 5-7 years ago that crew left it be. What kind of training do these people have? Any at all?
Now I have what appears to be the beginnings of a road on my property from their trucks. A real sad mess. Does it do any good to complain? Thanks for any info.

I have no complaints with Penn. I think they do a good enough job. If you want pretty, hire a landscaper to trim your trees near the power lines.


That Penn line job is crazy I was watching those guys last year in waldorf trimming brush :jameo: I just wonder hoe many get snake bit every year:shrug:


New Member
you just think you own the trees, they are SMECO's trees, anything in the right-of-way is not yours. You just pay taxes on it. I think it is 10 feet on each side of the lines might be more.


New Member
HunterJJD said:
you just think you own the trees, they are SMECO's trees, anything in the right-of-way is not yours. You just pay taxes on it. I think it is 10 feet on each side of the lines might be more.

WRONG. They are YOUR trees. It's your problem to keep them trimed back. If you don't then SMECO will hire whom ever to go on the 10' EASEMENT (not right of way) to remove such problems. It's not their problem if the ground is soft and they make a mud hole. It's their job to make sure the power stays on and the tree limbs stay off. Also they trim all the way down because as you know trees grow up and the lower branchs would have to taken care of later and that would cost them more. If you have a huge problem with them coming and messing up your yard you can contact them and request to have them run the lines underground. That would then become and SMECO Right-of-way and it would cost some big bucks.


Well-Known Member
chasco said:
Is there any place to complain about the hatchet job the Penn butchers have done this afternoon? Are they with SMECO or the phone company? They cut all the limbs off one thin tree from from bottom (way below the lines) just about all the way up--tree now looks like a celery stalk. Why the hell didn't they just chop it down? Seems top heavy to me now. They hacked the limbs off of a beautiful old oak tree--even though when they last blasted through 5-7 years ago that crew left it be. What kind of training do these people have? Any at all?
Now I have what appears to be the beginnings of a road on my property from their trucks. A real sad mess. Does it do any good to complain? Thanks for any info.
I guess all these other folks have never had a hatchet job done to a tree in their front yard, but I know where you are coming from. They destroyed a beautiful fir in my front yard by cutting about 2/3 of the top off making it look like a giant lollipop. they could have easily just taken it down. Now i would have complained, but it gave me an excuse to bust out the chainsaw and tie my truck to the stump to pull it. I guess everybody was happy.

But if you have a big problem, i would call Penn and ask them to send the guys back out to finish it off while they are still in the neighborhood.


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Midnightrider said:
they could have easily just taken it down.

Smeco might if you ask (beforehand) and they decide it's in their best interest. I've paid big money over the years having dead trees taken down before they fall. The last one was near the power line and someone suggested I call Smeco about it before getting an estimate. I asked them if they could spare the little 5' magnolia I'd planted near it recently, if they couldn't...oh well. This tree was at least 40' and on the day they came to top & chop it down, I watched them drop huge logs that breezed the leaves of that little tree before hitting the ground with a thud. They did an excellent job. :yay:


Well-Known Member
Sharon said:
Smeco might if you ask (beforehand) and they decide it's in their best interest. I've paid big money over the years having dead trees taken down before they fall. The last one was near the power line and someone suggested I call Smeco about it before getting an estimate. I asked them if they could spare the little 5' magnolia I'd planted near it recently, if they couldn't...oh well. This tree was at least 40' and on the day they came to top & chop it down, I watched them drop huge logs that breezed the leaves of that little tree before hitting the ground with a thud. They did an excellent job. :yay:
I've had similar experiences with Smeco. They did a good job, it was free, and they even did it in the rain. :yay:


These people did a similar number on my tree in the front yard. Took all the limbs out on the power line side right up to the trunk. So now all the limbs that are still there are on the house side. If the tree decides to fall, guess where it will go.............:banghead: Now I have to spend my money to get the tree topped.


Well-Known Member
I love Penn!
They removed a huge dead tree that was between my fence and the power lines. It had to come down, and was going to cost me hundreds. I called SMECO and Penn took it down for FREE, didn't hurt my fence, and also trimmed some large dead limbs off of another tree near the power lines. They probably saved me close to $1000 total. They are my heros! :huggy:


SD1492 said:
Also they trim all the way down because as you know trees grow up and the lower branchs would have to taken care of later and that would cost them more.

FYI...trees grow up from the top. A low branch will remain a low branch and will not get any higher as the tree gets taller.


Prada Princess
Call Penn, you can talk it out with them. See what the options are before bad mouthing them here. You might be able to work something out.


New Member
lower branches stay small trees grow new branchs from up top not below.

:doh: that right, What was I thinking. Any way just to let all of you know in case you care. I spoke with the PENN line guys in my neighborhood a few years ago and asked them what they did with all the cut up (mulch) wood in the back of the trucks and they told me they usally take it to the dump but I could have it if I wanted it and they would dump it in the yard for me where ever they could (space for the truck to fit). Any ways I got about 2 years of free mulch (I would NOT suggest using this next to the house though, it has not been treated like most mulch and may contain harmfull plants).