Pentagon will open all combat roles in the military to women

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Is this equality for all ---or--- political correctness run amuck? You decide...

Pentagon will open all combat roles in the military to women

Thursday, December 3, 2015 12:31 PM EST

Defense Secretary Ashton B. Carter on Thursday announced that the Pentagon will open all combat roles in the military to women.

The Pentagon put out a mandate in January 2013 to integrate women into all combat jobs by 2016 or justify exemptions.

“There will be no exceptions,” Mr. Carter said at a news conference.

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Duckworth on Whether Women Can Succeed in Combat Roles...

This just in from a female congressman / wounded vet:

Duckworth on Whether Women Can Succeed in Combat Roles: "Of Course"

[WASHINGTON, DC] - Congresswoman Tammy Duckworth (IL-08), one of the first Army women to fly combat missions during Operation Iraqi Freedom, today responded to Secretary of Defense Ash Carter's decision to finally allow women to serve in all military roles, combat or otherwise, without exception. Until now, America's female troops had been prevented from serving their country in several high-profile combat roles as a result of antiquated military policies.

"I didn't lose my legs in a bar fight-of course women can serve in combat. This decision is long overdue." said Congresswoman Duckworth.


Congresswoman Duckworth has long been an outspoken supporter opening additional combat roles to women who meet the same physical standards as those required of men in those roles. Following the Pentagon's 2013 decision to lift certain restrictions on women in combat, the Congresswoman said "it's about time" and that "the inclusion of women in combat roles will make America safer."

During a hearing of the House Armed Services Committee earlier this year, Congresswoman Duckworth spoke out powerfully in favor of an amendment to the FY2016 National Defense Authorization Act that removed burdensome restrictions making it more difficult for the Department of Defense to make policy changes like the one announced today. She said at the time: "I was in combat, and women are in combat now. Some women can't handle it as infantrymen and some men can't handle it as infantrymen. But the fact of the matter is let them compete. The ones who can make it will make it. And let them proudly do the jobs that they want to do to defend this great nation."

More than 280,000 women, including Congresswoman Duckworth, have deployed and served alongside men in Iraq and Afghanistan. Today's decision-which comes after almost 5 years of thorough research, analysis and study-opens more than 200,000 military positions in 52 different specialties to our female troops.


Power with Control
Congresswoman Duckworth has long been an outspoken supporter opening additional combat roles to women who meet the same physical standards as those required of men in those roles.

that right there is the key. If you stick to that, fine.


Well-Known Member
that right there is the key. If you stick to that, fine.

You know the cult of social justice and the feministas won't leave well enough alone. If enough women aren't meeting the standards, there will be cries of sexism and demands to lower the standards.


PREMO Member
Army women hurt more often in combat training, experience more mental health issues

Army women not only suffer more injuries than men during combat training, but the active-duty female soldiers also are stricken with significantly higher rates of mental health disorders.

The statistics come from a study conducted by the Army surgeon general last summer in conjunction with a bevy of analyses and experiments to judge women’s suitability for direct ground combat roles. It found, for example, that female soldiers suffer depression at more than double the rate of men and that one of the triggers is exposure to combat.

Still, the study concluded: “There is no medical basis to prohibit any [military occupational specialty] opening to females.”

The Obama administration announced Dec. 3 that it is opening all jobs in infantry, armor, artillery and special operations forces to women. The Pentagon then began releasing the services’ behind-the-scenes stu