People Checking IDs In Walmart


Indy Bound
I was in Walmart yesterday, and I go there at least three times a week. For the first time in about 6 months a cashier asks for my ID for writing a check. Now I have all my info written on my checks, so when I looked surprised she asked I told her no else does. She was new and said they were supposed to.

Normally I don't mind showing ID in fact I used to work retail and I understand the need for it, but if I were a manager I would try and make my policy be enforced one way or the other. Just like as I am leaving the store, all my hands are full of bags and the lady at the door stops me to check my receipt. She saw me checkout and everything is in a bag. I had to put everything down, look through the bags to have her glance at it for ten seconds and walk away. I was so mad. I am in a business suit for crying out loud. I am just getting so frustrated with that store. Does anyone else agree?


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Staff member
PREMO Member

In Walmart, I've been ID'd on a less than $20 check and not on a $100 check, it depends on if the cashier is new. Most of the time they just look at the ID.

Lowe's is the worst, they write down your DL#. I asked the cashier if she were going to call MVA if my check was bad. She is a friend of my husband and she does this to me every time.


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Staff member
PREMO Member
Originally posted by SxyPrincess
...and I thought this was going to be a useful thread. :rolleyes:
Tell me you only come here for intelligent conversation. :lol:


New Member
Originally posted by Sharon
Tell me you only come here for intelligent conversation. :lol:


No, but in all honesty--Stores are "suppose" to check your identification when you pay by check and sometimes, even credit card. Why would a person get upset for this reason?

Yes, ALL your personal info. may be inprinted on the check but who's to say I didn't steal a woman's purse and now I'm forging her name? The Walmart associate was just doing her job and was providing 'Jeneisen' with a hightened level of security however, she chose to complain about that. :rolleyes:

I'll remember to bring some cheese when I post my next thread. :bubble:


Football season!
The bad thing is, if someone steals your checkbook and writes checks to different stores, who is the victim going to blame? The store for not checking ID. We tend to only like security when it is convenient.

I tend to use a checkcard with CHECK FOR ID on the signature line instead of a signature, to make sure they do check. You might not be responsible for charges not made by you (maybe the first $50) but it is still a hassle to go through all the disputes.


Indy Bound
Originally posted by SxyPrincess


No, but in all honesty--Stores are "suppose" to check your identification when you pay by check and sometimes, even credit card. Why would a person get upset for this reason?

Yes, ALL your personal info. may be inprinted on the check but who's to say I didn't steal a woman's purse and now I'm forging her name? The Walmart associate was just doing her job and was providing 'Jeneisen' with a hightened level of security however, she chose to complain about that. :rolleyes:

I'll remember to bring some cheese when I post my next thread. :bubble:

First of all you need to learn how to read. I wasn't complaining about them checking it, I was complaining about them not doing it all the time. Either do it or not, but they shouldn't randomly do it. Thats what I said.


Indy Bound
Also to clarify, I actually rather they check ID's in stores. Its just happening anymore. What does seem to happen is they wait until I put my wallet away before they ask or when I show them through the window in my wallet they act like they can't see it, when I know they can.

I was not saying they shouldn't check it, just that it should be used all the time or not at all.


New Member
Originally posted by jeneisen
I was not saying they shouldn't check it, just that it should be used all the time or not at all.

What's the difference? Your still gonna looked confused when it happens. :duh:


yeah yeah
Well I agree that they should check the ids against the checks...regardless of the information being prevent against fraud and such. I know from first hand experience. But the people checking the recipt before you leave is dumb if you have everything in your bag. I know they check it if I am leaving with a box or something...but otherwise. I dont see the point of that.


I was in McKays a few months ago when a man and woman tried to write a check for about 5 grocery carts worth of stuff, and then when asked for ID, the name on the ID didn't match the one on the check. So I think they should definitely ask for ID every time you pay with a check or credit card. I get a little irritated when I use a credit card and the clerk doesn't even attempt to check the signature, let alone an ID.


Indy Bound
Oh I totally agree. I just think a lot of clerks don't care or assume that the check is yours. Since they installed those credit card machines, no one ever checks to see if its mine. I think they are convienent, but on the other hand they are dangerous as well.


Be about it
It's true that the new debit/credit self service machines can be unnerving at times. I consistently use my card with the 'debit' option, therefore I have to type my PIN. But when I choose the credit option (which doesn't matter since it still comes out of my checking account regardless) it doesn't ask for a pin. So if someone were to steal my card, they could choose the 'credit' option all night long and spend, spend, spend!!! I can't remember a single time that a clerk ever asked for my ID. As much of a pain as it can be sometimes, I'll gladly pull it out when they ask.

That receipt issue is such a crock. The store doesn't even check to see if what's in the bag matches the receipt! I once knew a guy (a scoundrel!) who would put a receipt in his hand, walk out of a store, then put it in his mouth as he attempted to load firewood or whatever other outdoor merchandise into his car! The receipt was probably for a candy bar, but since he has one and 'looks' like he's valid, they never questioned him! It's something else.


New Member
Originally posted by laureng
That receipt issue is such a crock. The store doesn't even check to see if what's in the bag matches the receipt! I once knew a guy (a scoundrel!) who would put a receipt in his hand, walk out of a store, then put it in his mouth as he attempted to load firewood or whatever other outdoor merchandise into his car! The receipt was probably for a candy bar, but since he has one and 'looks' like he's valid, they never questioned him! It's something else.


That's a good one!


I had my credit card and my ATM card stolen at the same time. I am glad the person never used my ATM card but they did use my credit cart and charged almost $1000.00. I was :burning: because the person who used it ordered car parts. When I called to find out who placed the order, no name just ordered them for some no name person and they picked them up. :rolleyes:


Dancing Up A Storm
:confused: Jeneisen, (Grasshopper, Grasshopper, do I detect a little frustration on your part?) Could it be that you are in a big hurry when you shop at Wally's, like a lot of us? What with the crowds, you'd do well to go in there
early in the morn or around dinnertime, it seems. Then if the buggers want to card you, let 'em! Actually, Jen, I understand they cannot access your check once they slip it into the computer/register, so they aren't able to verify your check data, and that's why they call for your ID.



American Beauty
PREMO Member
I don't mind if they ask for my ID.

I had my purse stolen years ago and the culprit got away with about $1200.00 of stuff (I was not held accounatble for any of it). Funny part was she cashed my paycheck at a check cashing place in East Palo Alto (BAD par of town) and didn't use ID. She wrote my CDL and CC number on the back and they guy never asked for picture ID.

When the check was returned to him for stop payment and he called my place of business and he was pissed and thought we should still reimburse him!! NOT! Even after I explained that it was an Asian woman that had stolen it and he agreed and I explained that I was SO California, long blond hair, etc.

The best part wa she had no clue as to how pronounce my name and called me Stackey Poloroid...... :roflmao: