in the delivery room with you....
in the delivery room with you....
Heck no.. it was bad enough my ex mother in law wouldn't get her fat a$$ outta my room when I had my daughter.
I even want to be there when I gave birth. Too much crying and crapping on the table.
I wish my dad was around this time when I gave birth.. If he wanted to see me give birth then![]()
It was just my best friend/roommate/birth coach and my mother in the room when I was in labor. I had to have an emergency C section, so just my best friend/roommate/birth coach was in the room with me (of the people I actually knew). They had to open up a rarely used OR for me, so the people on that floor came out in droves to watch my C-section... There were no fewer than 20 people in the OR and at least 10 more watching in the windowsIt was just me and my mom the first time. The doctor wasn't even there.
The second time, I had really wanted my friend Gerald there because he never got to see his kids born or raised and we were so close that I would have felt totally confortable with him. We dated for a time after my son was born an to this day he's super attached to him. I think it's a shame that some fathers who want to experience that stuff never get to.
Anyway, my son's delivery was like giving birth in a bus station.. I must have had 20 people in and out that day, from the flower shop where my pool team captain worked to the girls from the bar that worked in the SMH finance office. My best friend holding my leg up over her shoulder and my mom just kinda waiting to catch this one like she had to the last time.
Having babies was fun!!
Thank the gods it's over![]()
It was just my best friend/roommate/birth coach and my mother in the room when I was in labor. I had to have an emergency C section, so just my best friend/roommate/birth coach was in the room with me (of the people I actually knew). They had to open up a rarely used OR for me, so the people on that floor came out in droves to watch my C-section... There were no fewer than 20 people in the OR and at least 10 more watching in the windows![]()
If I ever have a baby I'm only allowing my husband to be in the room. No way in hell I want my parents or in-laws in there.![]()