People who post angry just get angrier


Lawful neutral
Virtual screaming on websites makes you even more even more angry | Mail Online

It’s often been said that getting things off your chest will leave you much calmer - but new studies have shown that getting your point of view across online can make you even angrier.

Research shows that while visitors who regularly leave aggressive or negative comments on websites felt more relaxed after posting, overall they tend to experience more anger and frustration.

Another study found that both reading other people’s rants and writing your own are associated with negative mood shifts.


Active Member
It's great therapy to the rest of us to watch idiots implode while trying to argue with internet strangers.


Jam out with ur clam out
No surprise. Negativity feeds off negativity, a vicious circle.


AND this is why you get rid of the negativity.... once rid of it... it will and cant bring you down evre again!!

remove all that is toxic from your life.... as wise woman once told me....:coffee:

is amazing how bright things shine after this is done



AND this is why you get rid of the negativity.... once rid of it... it will and cant bring you down evre again!!

remove toxic from your life.... as wise woman once told me....:coffee:

is amazing how bright things shine after this is done

:cds:Toxic is funny, why would you want to remove him?????:cds:


In My Opinion
What about all those bitches that will argue for no other reason than to get someone else to explode?
Im sure there are those out there that would argue anything to any point just to see if they could get certain people to go off the deep end yet one more time.

Do you think these people feel better after sitting back and laughing at their results?
What about all those bitches that will argue for no other reason than to get someone else to explode?
Im sure there are those out there that would argue anything to any point just to see if they could get certain people to go off the deep end yet one more time.

Do you think these people feel better after sitting back and laughing at their results?

Yes. :coffee: