Most people, when I tell them what we're doing, are supportive and even a bit envious because they understand what the full time RV lifestyle entails. Then there are the other folks...
My daughter, for example. She's somewhat concerned because she has a mental picture of me living in a roached out trailer, tending bar or slinging hash in some ratty dive.
Intellectually she knows better but the idea of mobile life isn't something she can wrap her mind around.
There are a few others who can't really picture it, either. No, I will not be on vacation; this is how we will live and work. No, it's not some roached out trailer; it's a 34' Class A motorhome. No, I will not be panhandling or slinging beer in a roadhouse (nor will I be selling my handmade crocheted toilet paper dolls at craft fairs); I will be telecommuting (which is exactly what I've been doing for the last 20 years).
What I'm totally looking forward to, what I'm sure will be my favorite part about living in a motorhome, is the outdoor kitchen. Monello has us set up so that pretty much anything you can cook in a regular kitchen can be cooked, perhaps even better, outdoors. Currently I don't deep fry in the house because it greases up everything and the stank hangs around for life. Not so when frying chicken or french fries in the electric skillet in our outdoor kitchen. A whole picnic table for prep space, then just hose it down when you're done. Spill something on the "floor", oh well. We won't be surviving on hotdogs, hobo packets, and s'mores; we'll be eating pretty much the same things we eat now.
My daughter, for example. She's somewhat concerned because she has a mental picture of me living in a roached out trailer, tending bar or slinging hash in some ratty dive.

There are a few others who can't really picture it, either. No, I will not be on vacation; this is how we will live and work. No, it's not some roached out trailer; it's a 34' Class A motorhome. No, I will not be panhandling or slinging beer in a roadhouse (nor will I be selling my handmade crocheted toilet paper dolls at craft fairs); I will be telecommuting (which is exactly what I've been doing for the last 20 years).
What I'm totally looking forward to, what I'm sure will be my favorite part about living in a motorhome, is the outdoor kitchen. Monello has us set up so that pretty much anything you can cook in a regular kitchen can be cooked, perhaps even better, outdoors. Currently I don't deep fry in the house because it greases up everything and the stank hangs around for life. Not so when frying chicken or french fries in the electric skillet in our outdoor kitchen. A whole picnic table for prep space, then just hose it down when you're done. Spill something on the "floor", oh well. We won't be surviving on hotdogs, hobo packets, and s'mores; we'll be eating pretty much the same things we eat now.