Perfect metaphor: an atheist college chaplain whose mission is social justice


PREMO Member
I am hardly the first or the only person to note the fact that social justice ideology is simply a religious replacement for Christianity. It has a doctrine, evangelists, and claims to provide a higher meaning to life.

But my Alma Mater, Carleton College, surprised even me by hiring as its new Chaplain of the college an avowed atheist. They aren’t even pretending anymore.

Schuyler Vogel seems like a truly nice guy. A graduate of the college himself he is surely thrilled to be back on campus to spread the gospel of progressivism, and given how hostile modern academia is to traditional religion it is hard for me to actually get outraged by the college’s indifference to hiring a religious person to be its new chaplain.

What is one more SJW on a campus full of them? Could things be any worse than they were already? Hardly.

Based in Skinner Memorial Chapel and overseeing chaplains from Christian, Jewish, and Muslim traditions, he’ll be focused on both the contemplative life of campus and the more outward manifestations of spirituality, including social justice advocacy.

Carleton was originally founded as a Congregationalist institution and its first major funding was raised on that basis. That tradition didn’t last long, though.



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Carleton was originally founded as a Congregationalist institution and its first major funding was raised on that basis.
The 1st Congregationalist Church in my hometown celebrated the 350th anniversary of the founding of their parish earlier this year.

Their current meeting house was built in 1802.

They have become over the course of the past few decades a "Welcoming" congregation.


Well-Known Member
I had a good friend who attended Yale - and had every intention of going on, to Divinity School -

But was disgusted that the overwhelming majority of students in Harvard, Yale, and Princeton - were all atheists. He - and I - just could not believe anyone would go to all that much work to get an advanced degree from an Ivy League institution - in DIVINITY - but - they're atheists.

He went on to become a minister ANYWAY - and a college professor - and according to a mutual friend - discovered a previously unknown work of Shakespeare.