Perhaps Someone Can Explain This To Me?


Dancing Up A Storm
Why is it, that when I view Hillary Clinton, entering a stage, platform or dias, - that I want to puke - just watching her greet her adoring fans?

Seriously, she makes me sick to my stomach, watching her facial expressions.

To me, they are false-looking, strictly for her viewing audience.

Could it be, that she looks uglier(to me) than a popular Chinese wrinkly dog?


Dancing Up A Storm
Seriously, the woman is disgusting to watch, as she "seems" to notice someone in the crowd that she appears to recognise.

Her eyes get really wide, she waves at them with so much vigor, clapping her hands, etc., and I'm thinking to myself - "you've got to be kidding me!"

"This is NOT real! - It's GOT to be an act." A sad one, nonetheless.

Am I alone here, with these musings?


wandering aimlessly
At the moment she's beautiful to me because she's the one that's going to trip up Obama's bid for the White House.

As soon as that's done I won't even notice her anymore.


Dancing Up A Storm
At the moment she's beautiful to me because she's the one that's going to trip up Obama's bid for the White House.

As soon as that's done I won't even notice her anymore.


I won't either, as soon as the PIAPs leaves the political arena. :lol:


Dancing Up A Storm

I see 37 Hillary Clinton supporters have "clicked" on this thread, but none of them have the courage to speak up, and voice their opinions! :killingme

Typical Demonrats! NO GUTS! :lmao:


New Member
I never let the TV remote get too far away fro me when Bill was President. Relief was just a click away

His wife should hand out barf bags at her appearances.

Its hard to believe that some people are still fooled by the Clinton's


New Member
I never let the TV remote get too far away fro me when Bill was President. Relief was just a click away

His wife should hand out barf bags at her appearances.

Its hard to believe that some people are still fooled by the Clinton's

Bill prob thinks she is a 2 bagger