Perhaps this is really why...


we are doing what we are doing in Iraq.

Teddy Bear Campaign

No matter what you believe was the original reason we went into Iraq, a larger purpose is happening that most folks don't even realize. This article is just the tip of the iceberg of what Americans are doing for Iraqis that would have never happened under the Saddam regime; and will come to a screeching halt when we cut and run. If more of this kind of thing made the mainstream media we might actually believe things are not going as bad as they want us to believe.


New Member
A majority of the public would not believe positive news, The negative outlook is what everyone seems to believe no matter how distorted it is. I know it is sad, but it is true. No one wants to see the townfolk welcoming Marines to help them out , instead people want to see the news about the very few bad apples(then say that it is all) that want to rape,plunder and pilage. I think that there would be a different outlook if there was less reporters that way they could concentrate an the task at hand instead of having to worry about the reporters safety and making sure that the reporters would not trigger a bomb or something, But that is just me thinking out loud.


gwa said:
A majority of the public would not believe positive news, The negative outlook is what everyone seems to believe no matter how distorted it is. I know it is sad, but it is true. No one wants to see the townfolk welcoming Marines to help them out , instead people want to see the news about the very few bad apples(then say that it is all) that want to rape,plunder and pilage. I think that there would be a different outlook if there was less reporters that way they could concentrate an the task at hand instead of having to worry about the reporters safety and making sure that the reporters would not trigger a bomb or something, But that is just me thinking out loud.
I tend to believe differently. Folks believe what they are fed. If we were fed nothing but good things that were going on in Iraq then how we know about the bad? The media is a propaganda machine for the left and Hollywood elite. The public wants to trust the media. But I agree with you, the media is 95% of the problem with our military’s ability to do their job efficiently. They provide this real-time picture of war that the average American can’t stomach. If the media wasn’t imbedded this whole Iraq thing would be over; I’m quite certain of this.