Perspectives On Trump's Place In American History


PREMO Member
And The Importance Of His Campaign

The extraordinary jihad against Donald Trump—that’s really the only appropriate word for this unholy war—has been instigated because Trump posed an existential threat to the global ambitions of the American Deep State and Ruling Class. This is not the place to attempt a history of the period from the end of the Cold War to the present. Suffice it to say that the central theme of the Neocon controlled Deep State has been the encirclement and gradual squeezing of the Russian Federation to bring it into subjection to the Anglo-American led West. The early stage of this process saw the eastward expansion of NATO, coupled with the NATO war on Serbia. In addition, this program was greatly assisted by bin Laden’s attack on the American homeland, which facilitated the enormous US military expansion into both the Middle East but also into Central Asia. Eventually, under the Clinton - Obama team, we saw the attempt to subject the entire Middle East to the globalist New World Order.

At the same time, this period witnessed the hollowing out of the American manufacturing sector and much of its economy outside the financial sector, as well as the concerted Cultural Marxist assault on traditional American culture and its place in key societal institutions—educational, legal, medico-scientific, etc. The rising discontent in America with these cultural developments led to the rise of Trump’s populist-oriented movement. Trump’s program for Making America Great Again entailed a direct repudiation of the Globalist and Neocon projects, with their Cultural Marxist underpinnings:

  1. On the domestic front, Trump proposed to empower ordinary, non-elite Americans with their traditional cultural values;
  2. On the foreign policy front Trump largely rejected the ideal of Empire in favor of a policy of pursuing American national interests. That included a willingness to work cooperatively with foreign powers—including Russia—and a determination to distance the US from entanglements with globalist dominated centers of power. That included much of the Globalist dominated EU with its woke trans-humanist agenda, using global warming mythology as its club to enforce compliance.
Trump’s rise was a threat to all of this. The Russia Hoax—reviving Cold War hysterias—was the first attempt to derail Trumpian populism. There’s an irony in that, because the Russia Hoax failed to resonate with its actual target—the traditional anti-Communist Right. Instead it was wildly embraced by the anti- anti-Communist Left. The result was a Trump victory in 2016, followed by a further victory over the Russia Hoax forces in the Ukraine Impeachment. That impeachment victory had to have got alarm bells ringing everywhere, because Ukraine had for years been ground zero for political money laundering. Eventually the Power Elite circled its wagons and used a combined campaign of unchecked political street violence, a weaponized lab produced virus, and the trashing of our election laws in the name of a fake medical emergency to throw the 2020 election to perhaps the most corrupt politician in American history.

So there we are.

So there we are.

Our snapshots begin with the official Neocon position on the Zhou scandals—when Eli Lake speaks you know Neocons are listening. In the face of overwhelming evidence of gross criminality on the part of the Biden Crime Family stretching back for at least a decade or more, the first line of defense is simple denial and stonewalling, sometimes supplemented by the narrative of a father’s love for his wayward son. But Lake presents the core denial:

NB: Lake has stated that the following tweet is “facetious”. Reviewing comments by followers of Lake, that appears to be the case. However, that being the case, Lake’s tweet admirably summarizes pro-Biden narratives.
Eli Lake
All this potential foreign influence stuff with Hunter Biden is exactly what the Kremlin wants you to think. If you're looking for a story here, it's this: Joe Biden loves his troubled son. Everything else is disinformation that should be banned on social media.
10:26 AM · Aug 1, 2023

There it is in one short tweet. If you believe in “potential foreign influence stuff” you’re a Kremlin puppet. Notice the clever wording. “Potential”—an escape clause meaning, ‘Hey, I never said there was NO foreign influence stuff!’’ “Kremlin”—that’s a pejorative, but more nuanced than simply shouting, ‘Russia, Russia, Russia!’ A father’s luv for a troubled son. Translation: All must be forgiven. No, that doesn’t mean that the son’s sins must be forgiven by the father. You, We the People, must forgive the father everything! And just in case anyone still isn’t convinced, is still in the grip of Wrongthink, that’s all disinformation and—First Amendment be damned—should be banned. That’s right. “Banned” means “censored”. Did he say “censored?” Nope. He meant it, but that’s just another escape clause.
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