Peruvian mermaid baby


Only happy When It Rains
Peruvian mermaid baby

LIMA, Peru (Reuters) - A Peruvian baby dubbed the "Little Mermaid" because she was born with a rare condition in which her legs are fused, will have surgery this month to try to separate them, doctors said.

Nine-month-old Milagros Cerron -- her name means miracles in Spanish -- is one of only a handful of the estimated 1-in-60,000 to 100,000 people born with sirenomelia, or mermaid syndrome, to have lived more than a few hours, experts say.

For Luis Rubio, the doctor leading the Peruvian team that will cut her legs apart in Lima on Feb. 24, the past year has been a crash course in tackling a condition he had read about in textbooks but never expected to have to treat.



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Loyalty, Friendship, Love
elaine said:
How does she make a doodle? :confused:
I'm sitting here thinking why most of them die after a few hours. I think your question may have answered mine. :ohwell:


New Member
My gawd!!! Some messed up stuff working here...

"Doctors believe there may only be one other surviving "mermaid" -- 16-year-old American Tiffany Yorks, whose legs were separated when she was a few months old.

Tiffany, who lives in New Port Richey, Florida, walked for six years after her separation surgery but is currently wheelchair-bound after an accident. "I have the highest hopes that (Milagros) is going to go on for a long time," she said. "


professional daydreamer
Peruvian mermaid baby 02-02-2005 06:19 PM You belong with the Tards!

I'd take torture over 'tardship any day.