PETA just keeps getting wackier


Asperger's Poster Child

I did some rewriting to the letter:

February 3, 2003

Yasser Arafat, President
Palestinian National Authority
Ramallah, West Bank
Palestinian Authority

Your Excellency:

I am writing from an organization of people who were terribly hurt as children when Mean Mr. Wilson took our puppies away from us. Instead of dealing with the loss of our beloved pets and moving on, we have chosen to inflict our issues on everyone else.

This letter is our way of indulging our pathetic, unhealthy need for attention. We don't seem to understand that for a holy warrior such as yourself, animals don't rank high on your list of concerns. We see a donkey blown up and the child inside of us cries for the loss of our puppies. We refuse to get over it.

If you have the opportunity, will you please read our letter and have a good laugh at our expense?

Very truly yours, yadda yadda...


"Fill your hands you SOB!
..."If you have the opportunity, will you please add to your burdens my request that you appeal to all those who listen to you to leave the animals out of this conflict?"...

So, what she is asking is that they leave the animals out of it and use ONLY humans when conducting suicide bombings???

P.E.T.A. = People Eating Tasty Animals



Well-Known Member
Dear Ingrid,

I received your letter and read it with great sorrow in my heart.

And from the bottom of that heart please allow me to say:

"Shut the F--- UP!!!!"




PETA is such a joke.

I found out something interesting recently, about Mary Beth Sweetland, vice president of PETA.

Check this #### out.

PETA is against EVERYTHING that has to do with confining, testing, persuing, using or otherwise futzing with animals - and this include medical research on animals.

In fact, it if were up to PETA wouldn't have things like insulin.

Without insulin treatments to regulate their blood sugar levels, many more diabetics would die,' says the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science. And lab animals 'were crucial to the research that identified the cause of diabetes, which led to the development of insulin.'

Guess who has Type II Diabetes.

VP Mary Beth "Hypocrite" Sweetland has diabetes and injects herself daily with insulin that was tested on animals. Yet she campaigns against experiments on animals

She concedes that her medicine 'still contains some animal products -- and I have no qualms about it ... I don't see myself as a hypocrite. I need my life to fight for the rights of animals.' From this site.

Lying, hypocritical, morons.

This terrorist funding organization should be dismantled.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Toxick
I need my life to fight for the rights of animals.

"And I need my SUV so I can drive to Sierra Club rallies."

"And I need my vacation in Cuba so I can be rested for my ACLU meetings."

"And I need my private jet so I can fly to seminars on the dangers of dependence on foreign oil."

"And I need my 12 mansions so I'll have headquarters for my Feed the Homeless campaigns."



Originally posted by vraiblonde
"And I need my SUV so I can drive to Sierra Club rallies."

"And I need my vacation in Cuba so I can be rested for my ACLU meetings."

"And I need my private jet so I can fly to seminars on the dangers of dependence on foreign oil."

"And I need my 12 mansions so I'll have headquarters for my Feed the Homeless campaigns."

:clap: :lmao: :lmao:


Super Genius
Penn and Teller did a great Bullsh@t episode about PETA. They mentioned the insulin thing with the VP and also found that they have a huge freezer where they keep the animals they killed! That's right, PETA kills animals. They tried to find homes for a bunch of animals (I forget the number) and only found homes for ~20%. The local animal shelter that PETA hates does a much better job.


Originally posted by ylexot
Penn and Teller did a great Bullsh@t episode about PETA. They mentioned the insulin thing with the VP and also found that they have a huge freezer where they keep the animals they killed! That's right, PETA kills animals. They tried to find homes for a bunch of animals (I forget the number) and only found homes for ~20%. The local animal shelter that PETA hates does a much better job.

I would love to get a few shots of these PETA slaughterhouses. I would like nothing better than to get a picture of the dead animals that they killed.

Then the next time I go into a KFC and PETA is standing there telling me that Colonal Sandars is like Hitler because 6 million chickens die every yeah, I can jam that picture right the #### up their ###.


Asperger's Poster Child
Originally posted by ylexot
That's right, PETA kills animals. They tried to find homes for a bunch of animals (I forget the number) and only found homes for ~20%. The local animal shelter that PETA hates does a much better job.

That's amazing. I would have thought that PETA only killed animals to relieve desperate suffering, as euthanasia.

The St. Mary's Animal Welfare League has been lobbying county government for years to withdraw from the Tri-County Shelter. This group doesn't believe in killing unwanted animals. When the three counties proposed expanding the shelter, one SMAWL member told me that the group opposed it because it would just be a glorified slaughterhouse.

:offtopic:, but why don't we just sell all the unwanted dogs and cats to Asian nations that eat them?


Originally posted by Tonio
:offtopic:, but why don't we just sell all the unwanted dogs and cats to Asian nations that eat them?

That is a brilliant idea.

Any idea what the going rate for dogs and cats is on the asian market? Could be very lucrative.