Asperger's Poster Child
I did some rewriting to the letter:
I did some rewriting to the letter:
February 3, 2003
Yasser Arafat, President
Palestinian National Authority
Ramallah, West Bank
Palestinian Authority
Your Excellency:
I am writing from an organization of people who were terribly hurt as children when Mean Mr. Wilson took our puppies away from us. Instead of dealing with the loss of our beloved pets and moving on, we have chosen to inflict our issues on everyone else.
This letter is our way of indulging our pathetic, unhealthy need for attention. We don't seem to understand that for a holy warrior such as yourself, animals don't rank high on your list of concerns. We see a donkey blown up and the child inside of us cries for the loss of our puppies. We refuse to get over it.
If you have the opportunity, will you please read our letter and have a good laugh at our expense?
Very truly yours, yadda yadda...