PETA tries to ruin Turkey Day


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Staff member
PREMO Member
Turkeys Have Nothing to Be Thankful for

Before they are killed, these gentle birds spend up to five months on factory farms, where as many as 25,000 birds are tightly packed into each dark shed. They are given only 3 to 4 square feet of space per bird-not even enough to flap a wing or stretch a leg. To keep the overcrowded birds from scratching and pecking each other to death, factory workers slice off a portion of their upper beaks and toes with a hot blade. No anesthetics are used during this agonizing procedure.

They must stand mired in layers of waste while urine and ammonia fumes burn their eyes and lungs. They are purposely bred to gain an enormous amount of weight in a short period of time. This leads to painful, swollen joints, crippled feet, and heart attacks. Hundreds of thousands of turkeys suffer from "round heart syndrome" resulting from the stress of confinement and genetic selection. Millions of turkeys don't even make it past the first few weeks: Many succumb to "starve out" (when they don't eat or drink), often brought on by the stress of debeaking. Still others die as a result of heat exhaustion, freezing, or accidents during transport to slaughter. Sounds like we're doing them a favor by putting them out of their misery. :wink:

Once at the slaughterhouse, turkeys are hung upside-down by their weak and crippled legs. Their heads are dragged through an electrified "stunning tank," which immobilizes them but does not render them unconscious. Many birds dodge the tank and, therefore, are fully conscious when their throats are slit. If the knife fails to properly slit the birds' throats, they are boiled alive in the tank of scalding water used for feather removal.

"Only two turkeys can count on Mr. Bush to grant them a stay of execution-the rest are counting on you to give them your own personal pardon."

Pardon me, can ya pass me a leg? :roflmao:

Fight back! With the 12-step program :biggrin:


Enjoy a vegetarian feast such as Tofurky, UnTurkey, or Tofu Turkey, or click here and here for festive holiday recipes


I will make sure I toast PETA at my Thanksgiving table in front of a nice juicy TURKEY. They can take that ToFo Turkey and shove it.


Asperger's Poster Child
Oh, jeez. Why are we even giving the nutjobs in PETA the attention they crave? They're like the kids in school who acted out in class just to get noticed.

I think I'm like most people who eat meat, in that I want my Thanksgiving turkey to have been treated humanely during its life. It bothers me when, for example, chickens are bred with so much breast meat that the poor birds can't walk without tipping over.

PETA goes way too far and insists that eating meat inevitably leads to cruelty like this. I disagree. Many Indian tribes believe that when a hunter catches an animal, that animal is deliberately giving its life to sustain the tribe. Not too much different from the Christian tradition of saying grace before a meal. If God created turkeys and chickens for us to eat, shouldn't we pay God back by being kind to these animals while they live?

I see hunting the same way. I have no interest in hunting, but I definitely support it. We need it to keep the deer population under control, especially here on the East Coast. Our colonial ancestors eliminated the predators that used to eat the deer. And we can't reintroduce wolves here like some Western states are doing to restore balance to the animal population. So it's up to humans to bring that balance in the East. Many people who oppose hunting don't realize that the deer will still be killed, not by guns but by the fenders of SUVs.

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Tonio
Many people who oppose hunting don't realize that the deer will still be killed, not by guns but by the fenders of SUVs.
:yeahthat: Or minivans. Someone just did his part for deer population control on Monday night. :frown:
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My Sweetest Boy
Originally posted by jazz lady
:yeahthat: Or minivans. My husband just did his part for deer population control on Monday night. :frown:

Goodness, Jazz...don't let him beind the wheel of your baby. :biggrin:

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Originally posted by cattitude
Goodness, Jazz...don't let him beind the wheel of your baby. :biggrin:

He rarely, if ever, gets to drive it. It is MINE, all MINE. :biggrin:

I swear, this year has been horrible. Two accidents in the truck and now one in the minivan. I don't know whether he's cursed or needs a medical exam. :confused:


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Staff member
PREMO Member
2A almost snagged a deer the other night. The lady who was following too closely behind him probably doodied in her pants when he slammed on the brakes. :lol:

Larry Gude

Strung Out

...I'll bet she 'bout swooned when the ol' Barrett came out of the glovebox.

I want a picture of a Barret on a pick up gun rack photoshopped to show it sticking out of both windows.


One of best friend's dad used to raise turkeys and chickens, and they are both vicious little buggers. The reason that you trim the beak and claws is not so the birds will not accidentally claw and kill one another, but because these birds are highly canibalistic and they will immediately set upon, kill, and eat any bird that displays weakness... most notably - blood. The minute one bird starts to bleed, it's dead meat. There are some companies that actually put red contact lenses on the bird's eyes so everything is red and they can't tell if another bird is bleeding.