Pete, Vrai, Larry, Ken Help Me


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
O'Reilly frequently makes sense. I don't always agree with him, but he typically has a good argument supporting his positions. Those other times he just yells and interrupts his guests. :lol:


Football addict
The lesson here is that blind partisanship is not an attribute. No person or candidate is all good or all bad. In America today, with both sides peddling lies and defamation and spin, it is alarmingly difficult just to get simple facts on which to base a responsible vote.


Larry Gude

Strung Out
Don't worry jlab...

...all is well.

Your side wants to discredit Bill as a rule because he is rather fair and that simply is never good for the modern liberal, especially John Wayne Kerry and his multi purpose positions from 'Nam to today.

What Bill wrote:

The lesson here is that blind partisanship is not an attribute

He, ahem, makes clear that both sides have something to say; Kerry served and put his ass on the line and the legion of Nam vet detractors probably have a point that ol' JWK might not have been all he claims to have been.

Simply put, the swift boat vets have to much factual and annecdotal evidence and there are simply to many of them to dismiss their claims.

Bill was being nice by saying, if you read the whole column, that HAD there been any BLIND partisanship in this case then it would be not nice nor useful.

Kerry, his minions and the media are not touching the substance of what these guys are accusing Kerry of with a ten foot pole.

I suspect that the truth, unlike Moores accusations which were backed up by no one nor any paper, is not good.

These guys have a case as the Johns might say. Bill is being fair and balanced.



I hate to disagree with Mr. O'Reilly but he's taking a view that many who have never served in uniform take, and it's a poor position to take.

There are thousands and thousands of people who join and leave the military each year, and they do so for a wide-range of reasons. Not all of these people join the military for reasons of serving their country, their family, or anything other than themselves. Some join out of a feeling of inferiority that they hope a uniform will overcome. Some join for want of training or money. Some join to maintain a family tradition and some join to avoid serving time in jail.

In any case, not every service member is a hero, and more than a few cast such discredit on their uniform that they should never be acknowledged as having served. In the military, doing the right thing for the wrong reasons does not make someone a hero. Even a broken clock is right twice a day, and even the worst soldier, sailor, airmen, or marine does a few good things now and again. Does this make up for the fact that the guy has done twenty things to dishonor his uniform for everything he does to honor it? I don't think so.

Did Kerry pull his comrade out of a river and possibly save his life? Probably. Did he fail to report an unfortunate incident to cover for a crewmate? I can see that happening. But looking at the interviews that Kerry gave before being drafted, and at his actions to avoid service, and I can also see him being fully willing to act the way that others are talking about now. Is Kerry the kind of guy who would fake combat reports and write himself up for medals he didn't earn? I've known guys who have done these things and Kerry fits the mold. Is he the kind of guy who would try to avoid risking his skin? Yep, that's a fit too. I don't know for sure if he's guilty of these charges, but they are serious charges... far more serious than the claims of Bush not showing up for a physical that have been investigated ad nauseum by the press... so don't we the voters deserve an effective investigation into their validity without claims of partison zeal and hysteria? Yes, I think we deserve that.

In ten years of uniformed service to my country, I've known lots of men and women who got excellent marks on their performance reviews, who got lots of medals and awards, and were in tight with many key leaders... yet who were absolute scumbags who I would have tossed out of the service. The simple fact of wearing a military uniform (especially during a draft) and having medals (anyone willing to write themself up needs only a willing accomplice to validate their claims to get the award) does not make anyone a hero, a leader, or a credit to their country. Their actions while wearing their uniform is what qualifies them for those titles and I think we deserve to know how Kerry actually acted in uniform.
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