PG county officer of the month busted for fraud

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1 of the coconspirators was nabbed for murder. So who is vetting these people before they let them on the force?
Prince George’s County Police officers Cpl. Mark Johnson, Cpl. Candance Tyler and Cpl. Michael Owen have been charged with 3 counts of insurance fraud and related crimes. The allegations include filing false police reports and insurance claims in order to fraudulently obtain funds from financial institutions and insurance companies.

Cpl. Michael Owen is currently incarcerated and is charged with second degree murder, voluntary and involuntary manslaughter, first degree assault and use of a firearm in the commission of a crime of violence.

During the investigation, it was revealed that Michael Owen, Mark Johnson and Candace Tyler were connected to several fraudulent insurance claims. Johnson has been an officer with the Prince George’s County Police Department since July 2007 and Tyler has been an officer since October 2011. Both were assigned to the Bureau of Patrol. The police powers of both Johnson and Tyler were suspended with pay on April 29, 2020.
Six Maryland Law Enforcement Officers Facing Federal Indictment for Charges Related to Schemes to Defraud Financial Institutions and Insurance Companies | Southern Maryland News Net | Southern Maryland News Net (

District IV Patrol Officers of the Month Police Officer Candace Tyler


Well-Known Member
They'll all resemble each other. This is what happens when you lower the bar to fill a minority quota, to make a minority group feel better inside... Using the false premise of representing their own community for better results, thus creating a more safe community. It's never worked. There are many fine LEO's of color, but mass hiring of minorities, with less than stellar backgrounds, for that feel good feeling, fails every time.


Well-Known Member
This is what happens when you throw everything out for the sake of diversity. Nowadays (and actually for the last 30 years), I see companies, govt orgs, police, teachers, etc all bragging about their diversity. Shouldn't they be bragging about their intellect and common sense? What we have here now is the just desserts of barking up the wrong tree.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Who clicked over and read the SMN story? If you did, you'd have seen a link to this tidbit:

So this guy is just a filthy dirty cop, and also he shot a man who was in his custody 7 times and this is the first I'm hearing about it. One would think that would be big news, but of course it's not ... because the shooter is black. If he were a white cop the whole world would know his name.


Well-Known Member
From knowledge, thank Paris Glendenning, Alex Williams, the PG County Council, circa 1984, whom started the ball rolling.
50/50, recruit classes, one half had to have a 2 year degree, the other a GED.
Magically, the BPOA members were promoted quickly.


Well-Known Member
They'll all resemble each other. This is what happens when you lower the bar to fill a minority quota, to make a minority group feel better inside... Using the false premise of representing their own community for better results, thus creating a more safe community. It's never worked. There are many fine LEO's of color, but mass hiring of minorities, with less than stellar backgrounds, for that feel good feeling, fails every time.
1000% CORRECT!!


Well-Known Member
Who clicked over and read the SMN story? If you did, you'd have seen a link to this tidbit:

So this guy is just a filthy dirty cop, and also he shot a man who was in his custody 7 times and this is the first I'm hearing about it. One would think that would be big news, but of course it's not ... because the shooter is black. If he were a white cop the whole world would know his name.
1000% CORRECT!!


Active Member
that was back in March, the white cop would have gotten the chair by now

We know that's not true because so many white cops ARE murderers, pedophiles, and thugs who usually get promoted or, at the least, a slap on the wrist when found to be complicit in a crime.


Active Member
From knowledge, thank Paris Glendenning, Alex Williams, the PG County Council, circa 1984, whom started the ball rolling.
50/50, recruit classes, one half had to have a 2 year degree, the other a GED.
Magically, the BPOA members were promoted quickly.

This board never disappoints with the number of white supremacists. I suspect their hatred for minorities is because, despite the favoritism they received because of their white skin, they still managed to make a catastrophe of their life. Mediocre and sub-par racists need someone to blame for their inability to succeed.


Well-Known Member
Mediocre and sub-par racists need someone to blame for their inability to succeed.

Very true statement however, this applies to people of all colors, nationalities, etc. Unless you are trying to claim that ONLY white people can be racist which is quite obviously false.


Active Member
Very true statement however, this applies to people of all colors, nationalities, etc. Unless you are trying to claim that ONLY white people can be racist which is quite obviously false.

I said what I said. Don't cherry-pick. Read the entire sentence for context.


Well-Known Member
I said what I said. Don't cherry-pick. Read the entire sentence for context.
I chose to ignore the "white supremacist" part because you quite obviously do not know what it is to be a "white supremacist" and the context in which you used the term clearly shows that you are delivering that line directly from what you probably heard from the media. Maybe go look up the term and do a little research before speaking on the subject.


Active Member
A ' New ' Member from 2019 ..... Interesting I already had this retread on iggy

I come on this board sporadically. Some comments remain the same regardless of the topic or even if it's related to the subject matter.

I envision these particular posters wearing two-day-old grayish-white underwear sitting in a ratty easy-boy with a dinner tray containing an overflowing ashtray. They hack and hock while they hunt and peck at the keyboard trying hard to phrase the most racist rant their pea brains can come up with.