PGPD PGPD Investigates Fatal Collision in the City of Greenbelt


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The Collision Analysis and Reconstruction Unit is investigating a fatal crash that occurred Friday in Greenbelt. The deceased driver is 52-year-old Manuel Juarez of Greenbelt.

On June 10, 2022, at approximately 7:40 am, officers with the Greenbelt Police Department responded to Greenbelt Road and Lakecrest Drive for a collision involving two vehicles. The preliminary investigation revealed Juarez was traveling westbound on Greenbelt Road approaching Lakecrest Drive when for reasons that remain under investigation, a car traveling eastbound crossed into the westbound lanes striking Juarez’s car head-on. Juarez was taken to the hospital where he was pronounced dead a few hours later. A passenger in Juarez’s car as well as the other involved driver suffered injuries that do not appear life-threatening.

The PGPD investigates all fatal collisions that occur in the city of Greenbelt.

Anyone with information on this case is asked to call the Collision Analysis and Reconstruction Unit at 301-731-4422.

Callers wishing to remain anonymous may call Crime Solvers at 1-866-411-TIPS (8477), or go online at
, or use the “P3 Tips” mobile app search “P3 Tips” in the Apple Store or Google Play to download the app onto your mobile device. Please refer to case number 22-0028262

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*****Spanish Translation Follows*****

PGPD Investiga Mortal Choque en Ciudad de Greenbelt

La Unidad de Análisis y Reconstrucción de Choques investiga un mortal choque que se registró el viernes en Greenbelt. El fenecido conductor fue identificado como Manuel Juárez, de 52 años y vecino de Greenbelt.

El 10 de junio de 2022, a eso de las 7:40 am, oficiales del Departamento de la Policía de Greenbelt acudieron al área entre Greenbelt Road y Lakecrest Drive para atender un choque entre dos vehículos. La investigación preliminar reveló que Juárez viajaba en dirección oeste sobre Greenbelt Road, aproximándose a Lakecrest Drive, cuando, por razones que siguen bajo investigación, un auto que viajaba en dirección este invadió los carriles de la dirección contraria e impactó el auto de Juárez de frente. A Juárez le trasladaron a un hospital en donde le declararon fenecido unas horas más tarde. Un pasajero que iba en el auto de Juárez y el otro conductor involucrado sostuvieron lesiones que no aparentaron ser graves.

PGPD investiga todo choque mortal que se registre en la Ciudad de Greenbelt.

Pedimos que quien tenga información sobre este caso por favor llame a la Unidad de Análisis y Reconstrucción de Choques al 301-731-4422.

Quienes deseen permanecer anónimos pueden llamar a Crime Solvers al 1-866-411-TIPS (8477), o ir en línea a, o utilizar la aplicación móvil “P3 Tips” (busque “P3 Tips en el Apple Store o en Google Play para bajar la aplicación a su móvil). Por favor refiérase al caso 22-0028262.

Si usted prefiriese traducir este comunicado a otro idioma, por favor acceda al panel de traducción en el lado derecho de esta página de web y seleccione el idioma de su preferencia de la lista provista.

Disclaimer: In the U.S.A., all persons accused of a crime by the State are presumed to be innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. See: Additionally, all of the information provided above is solely from the perspective of the respective law enforcement agency and does not provide any direct input from the accused or persons otherwise mentioned. You can find additional information about the case by searching the Maryland Judiciary Case Search Database using the accused's name and date of birth. The database is online at . Persons named who have been found innocent or not guilty of all charges in the respective case, and/or have had the case ordered expunged by the court can have their name, age, and city redacted by following the process defined at