SunDog said:
I was reading online and i found a chart that tells you to put a small amount of salt and it gives the amont per gallon tank. it says to do it to help bring the pH to 7 which is good for what i have Neon tetras. Is this true? and also if it is will the small amont of salt hurt my snails?
Careful on the type of salt, it is NOT the same kind of salt you put in a saltwater tank(nor is it table salt).. Aquarium salt is what you are looking for, in the 29 gallon tank it takes about 2/3 cup of aquarium salt. You'll notice a BIG difference in color of your fish.. I have a barb that is green with a red mouth and bottom.. couldn't really see the red marks until I treated the tank now it looks like he's lit up. My blue cichlids are bluer and brighter as are the orange ones.. and it SEEMS to keep the water clearer.
I've also treated tanks with the aquarium salt prior to medicating for assorted reasons.
To keep my old tanks at 7.0 I used crushed coral instead of rocks on the bottom of my tank, with an undergravel filter. Never had to adjust my PH again. My new tanks are Cichlids, so 7.0 doesn't do me any good.