

Well-Known Member
Has anyone taken this? Side effects? Was it able to help you lose weight? Dr has considered prescribing me this to see if that helps jump start my weight loss. I have had difficulties after this pregnancy w/ diet and exercise alone.


My Sweetest Boy
Has anyone taken this? Side effects? Was it able to help you lose weight? Dr has considered prescribing me this to see if that helps jump start my weight loss. I have had difficulties after this pregnancy w/ diet and exercise alone.

•Unusual happy feelings (euphoria)
•Unusual unpleasant feelings (dysphoria)
•Dry mouth
•Unpleasant taste
•Sexual problems

no thanks. :lol:


Love * Luck * Faith
•Unusual happy feelings (euphoria)
•Unusual unpleasant feelings (dysphoria)
•Dry mouth
•Unpleasant taste
•Sexual problems

no thanks. :lol:



Obama destroyed America
Has anyone taken this? Side effects? Was it able to help you lose weight? Dr has considered prescribing me this to see if that helps jump start my weight loss. I have had difficulties after this pregnancy w/ diet and exercise alone.
I took it decades ago and was fine. No side effects. Kills your appetite and you will lose weight. :yay:


•Unusual happy feelings (euphoria)
•Unusual unpleasant feelings (dysphoria)
•Dry mouth
•Unpleasant taste
•Sexual problems

no thanks. :lol:

Go on to the FDA's website and look up something as simple as sugar or will find that the above listed side effects are listed with most everything....


I took it about 2 years ago and dropped 30 lbs. I had no side effects at all. It defintiely makes you eat a lot less. I gained 10lbs back but it was my own fault.


Well-Known Member
•Unusual happy feelings (euphoria)
•Unusual unpleasant feelings (dysphoria)
•Dry mouth
•Unpleasant taste
•Sexual problems

no thanks. :lol:
:lmao: yeah I read those but wasnt sure if those were common or just something that could happen.
I took it decades ago and was fine. No side effects. Kills your appetite and you will lose weight. :yay:

I took it about 2 years ago and dropped 30 lbs. I had no side effects at all. It defintiely makes you eat a lot less. I gained 10lbs back but it was my own fault.

Thank you both. I have never had to take medication before for weightloss so it has got me a little nervous. At this point I have tried all the regular routes and have had no luck. She said if I take this and dont lose weight in the first 30 days then I will have to have a blood work up to check my thyroid etc...


My Sweetest Boy
She said if I take this and dont lose weight in the first 30 days then I will have to have a blood work up to check my thyroid etc...

That seems to be reverse order to me. It is not unusual to be hypothyroid after having a baby. Mine was discovered after the birth of my first son..been on meds ever since.


New Member
I took Phentermine about 4 years ago... I did not like the way it made my heart race. It completely took my appetite away, I would have to force myselk to eat because I had no desire to eat/no hungry feeling at all.

I dropped weight SUPER fast, obviously, but when I stopped taking it, I put it all back on.

Good luck if you chose to go that route, I believe your dr will also give you a water pill and one other, but I forget. My friend is taking Phentermine w/ 2 other pills. She is not having great success but her diet also sucks. :lol:


New Member
It curbs my appetite & I eat smaller portions of healthier foods. Lost 20 pounds & still have more to go. I exercise now 3 x a week. I never did before so that's helping. I get dry mouth the most but drink a lot of water & chew gum. No other problems so far. I had to monitor my blood pressure before I started on it. I didn't and don't have hypertension but I guess the doctor wanted to be sure. Once you see success, it makes it easier to keep going. Good luck


New Member
I'm on it and the first day or two it was hard to sleep but now nothing and I've lost 20 lbs. Drink lots of water!


•Unusual happy feelings (euphoria)
•Unusual unpleasant feelings (dysphoria)
•Dry mouth
•Unpleasant taste
•Sexual problems

no thanks. :lol:

Looks like the side effects of whiskey.


*Soon To Be*
I was on it 2 years ago and im back on it now. It works great and helps you loose weight fast. I havent had any side effects, but it may affect people different. it has curved my appetite and I eat alot less sometimes i dont even feel hungry. It will make your mouth dry just make sure you drink lots of water and they also want you to eat alot of fruit. i have lost over 20 in the 3 weeks that i have been on it. My Doctor told me to drink atlease 8 bottles or more a day. Once you get to the weight you want you dont just want to stop taking the phentermine you will pick the weight up super fast. got to slowly take yourself off of it.


Dry mouth and being edgy (speaking my mind) have been my only side effects. I have lost 36lbs since 6/21 I hope to loose a lot more. Water is told me to drink at least 8C a day more is better. Says helps to keep your body refreshed and flushes the system of the stuff that burns the weight you are loosing. (Not sure how to phase that better.)


Lovin' being Texican
Phentermine has been around a long time. I used to dispense it 32 years ago when I was a pharmacist. Then it became a controlled stubstance under BNDD (Now DEA). Used to be used by a lot by college students to stay awake to cram for finals. It's just another form of Amphetamine. Works great for weight loss as long as you're on it. But if you don't cut back the calories and increase caloric burning (exercise) the weight comes back.

If you're not nursing the baby, it might be OK but stay at a lower doseage.