Phone service keeps track of teens' driving habits


Ubi bene ibi patria
"You've seen the stickers on the back of tractor trailers that ask,"How's my driving?''

Well, there is a new service in town that piggybacks on that idea but asks "How is my teen driving?'' on a bumper sticker with a phone number to report erratic or dangerous driving to parents.

Karl and Diane Reichert, of Grand Rapids, launched the service, Teen Spy, last month as a way to improve teenagers' driving habits.:"

Phone service keeps track of teens' driving habits - Family Talk -


Well-Known Member
The reason this doesn't/won't REALLY work well is because I have seen, on more than one occasion, the person who is actually in the wrong complain about another's driving. I have seen people do something to avoid an accident then get b!tched out about it by the person who nearly caused the accident.

eh, thats me $0.02