Photo of Trump at Ground Zero Slapped with Bogus 'Missing Context' Label


Well-Known Member
To most conservatives, it’s always been obvious that the current regime of “independent third-party fact-checkers” was nothing more than a band of political activists.

Fact-checking, to them, isn’t about fighting misinformation. It’s about deciding which opinions the public is allowed to hear.

There is perhaps no better example of this than Instagram’s move on Sunday to add a “missing context” claim to a photograph of former President Donald Trump at Ground Zero in 2001.

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Well-Known Member
Well it was taken a week later so it's pretty meaningless as many claimed it was the day of. .

he also claimed his building almost a mile away was damaged and received 9//11 funds for it.

Once a lying grifter always a lying grifter.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
he also claimed his building almost a mile away was damaged and received 9//11 funds for it.
You are a filthy disgusting serial liar.

Under the 9/11 business recovery grant program run by the Empire State Development, New York’s economic development agency, firms were eligible if they employed 500 employees or less, had been physically or economically damaged by the attacks, and located on or south of 14th Street in Lower Manhattan.

According to the Daily News, Trump’s "grant application describes the corporation through which Trump owns that building as having 28 employees and $26.8 million in annual revenues." (The newspaper notes that the federal definition of a small business is $6 million.)

Trump’s was among over 14,000 companies that received grants totalling $530 million. That includes other firms like the Rockefeller Group, Ford Motors, Dell Inc., Morgan Stanley and the Bank of China.


Well-Known Member
"I have a lot of property down there," he told a German TV reporter after the attack. "But it wasn’t, fortunately, affected by what happened to the World Trade Center."


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
"I have a lot of property down there," he told a German TV reporter after the attack. "But it wasn’t, fortunately, affected by what happened to the World Trade Center."
Under the 9/11 business recovery grant program run by the Empire State Development, New York’s economic development agency, firms were eligible if they employed 500 employees or less, had been physically or economically damaged by the attacks, and located on or south of 14th Street in Lower Manhattan.

According to the Daily News, Trump’s "grant application describes the corporation through which Trump owns that building as having 28 employees and $26.8 million in annual revenues." (The newspaper notes that the federal definition of a small business is $6 million.)

Trump’s was among over 14,000 companies that received grants totalling $530 million. That includes other firms like the Rockefeller Group, Ford Motors, Dell Inc., Morgan Stanley and the Bank of China.
$150,000 LMFAO....that does not even qualify as "chump change"...except to a failed slug like SissyCity, that is.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
Wheres the lie?
Under the 9/11 business recovery grant program run by the Empire State Development, New York’s economic development agency, firms were eligible if they employed 500 employees or less, had been physically or economically damaged by the attacks, and located on or south of 14th Street in Lower Manhattan.

According to the Daily News, Trump’s "grant application describes the corporation through which Trump owns that building as having 28 employees and $26.8 million in annual revenues." (The newspaper notes that the federal definition of a small business is $6 million.)

Trump’s was among over 14,000 companies that received grants totalling $530 million. That includes other firms like the Rockefeller Group, Ford Motors, Dell Inc., Morgan Stanley and the Bank of China.


Well-Known Member
Did all 14,00 business entities "steal it"? Gawd you are a thick-headed moron.
"I have a lot of property down there," he told a German TV reporter after the attack. "But it wasn’t, fortunately, affected by what happened to the World Trade Center."

What was the damage he experienced to make him eligible to receive the funds?


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Sappy just sent me a picture of Trump Flying plane into buildings on 9/11...



Well-Known Member
"I have a lot of property down there," he told a German TV reporter after the attack. "But it wasn’t, fortunately, affected by what happened to the World Trade Center."
What part of the grant wording don’t you understand?
"I have a lot of property down there," he told a German TV reporter after the attack. "But it wasn’t, fortunately, affected by what happened to the World Trade Center."

What was the damage he experienced to make him eligible to receive the funds?
maybe you need hand holding. It says physically or economically affected. If it wasn’t physically damaged it was as economically impacted. What’s so hard to understand about that.
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Well-Known Member
Are you that dense? Didn’t you see that the twin towers collapsed? Don’t you think NYC was closed down? My good your an F’n idiot. Your TDS is killing brain cells, you don’t have many to lose so I suggest you take a break.

Apparently you've never been to NYC.

it wasn't "closed down"

Especially more than 50 blocks from the site.