Governor PHOTO RELEASE: Governor Hogan Celebrates Ribbon Cutting of First Public Electric Vehicle Charging Stations at Department of General Services’ Courthou


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ANNAPOLIS, MDGovernor Larry Hogan today participated in the ribbon cutting for the first electric vehicle (EV) charging stations for public use at the Essex-Rosedale District Courthouse in Baltimore City through the Public Service Commission EV pilot program. This is the first state location to install charging equipment as a result of the partnership between the Maryland Department of General Services (DGS) and BGE.


The governor was joined by DGS Secretary Ellington E. Churchill, Jr., Treasurer Nancy Kopp, and BGE CEO Carim Khouzami.

“For six years now, our state has been setting an example for the nation of strong environmental leadership,” said Governor Hogan. “Today is an important step forward to expanding access to electric vehicle charging across the state and encouraging more Marylanders to purchase and use electric vehicles.”


“Installing EV charging infrastructure is the first step towards transitioning to a zero emission state fleet,” said Secretary Churchill. “This partnership allows us to support the needs of our tenant agencies while also expanding EV charging opportunities for Maryland’s EV drivers.”


The State of Maryland will add 65 electric vehicle chargers across 18 state sites, including properties owned by DGS, the Maryland Department of Transportation, and the Maryland Department of Natural Resources.
