Governor PHOTO RELEASE: Governor Hogan Hosts Fireside Chat With Cal Ripken, Jr. at Appalachian Regional Commission Conference


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Maryland Governor

First Appalachian Conference to Be Held In Maryland In 30 Years

ANNAPOLIS, MD——The annual Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) Conference continued today, with Governor Larry Hogan—co-chair of the commission—leading a fireside chat with Hall of Famer Cal Ripken, Jr.


Fireside Chat With Cal Ripken, Jr. During the fireside chat with the governor, Ripken shared stories about his early baseball career in Appalachia, lessons on teams and leadership, and his work for youth sports with the Cal Ripken, Sr. Foundation. Watch their conversation.


Opening Session. Prior to the fireside chat, Governor Hogan formally welcomed the over 300 participants to the conference and took part in a discussion led by the commission’s federal co-chair, Gayle Manchin.

On Monday, the commission announced more than $47 million in POWER Initiative grants, including a grant for Garrett County’s Broadband Customer Connect Program.

This is the first ARC conference to be held in Maryland in 30 years. For more updates, click here.
