Governor PHOTO RELEASE: Governor Hogan Visits Eastern Shore to Highlight Maryland’s Health and Economic Recovery


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Thanks Frontline Healthcare Workers, Honors Project SEARCH Participants
Recognizes 100th Anniversary of Perdue Farms
Greets Local Watermen in Cambridge, Tours Local Businesses in St. Michaels

ANNAPOLIS, MD—Governor Larry Hogan today visited Maryland’s Eastern Shore to highlight the state’s continued health and economic recovery from COVID-19.

Photo: Atlantic General Hospital

Governor Hogan presents a citation to Toni Dixon, who has become a full-time member of the Atlantic General Hospital team after completing the Project SEARCH program.

For his first stop, Governor Hogan visited Atlantic General Hospital in Berlin where he thanked frontline healthcare workers for their dedication during the COVID-19 global pandemic. The governor also presented citations to participants of Project SEARCH, a program that helps secure meaningful, inclusive employment for Marylanders of all backgrounds and abilities.

View photos from the governor’s visit to Atlantic General Hospital here.


Governor Hogan Presents Perdue Farms Chairman Jim Perdue with a governor’s citation to honor the company’s 100th anniversary.

Next, Governor Hogan stopped by Salisbury to recognize the 100th anniversary of Perdue Farms. Perdue is the largest organic chicken producer in the United States. With nearly 2,200 employees in Maryland and over 1,600 Maryland farmers, Perdue accounts for an economic impact of more than $1.2 billion for the state.

View photos from the governor’s visit to Perdue Farms here.


Governor Hogan lends a hand to local watermen in Cambridge.

During his tour of the Eastern Shore, Governor Hogan also stopped by Cambridge to greet local watermen as they harvested fresh crabs. The governor encouraged Marylanders to buy local seafood, produce, and farm products.

View photos from the governor’s stop in Cambridge here.

Photo: The Galley Restaurant

Governor Hogan and the First Lady learn how The Galley Restaurant & Bar has modified operations to keep customers safe, indoors and outside.

In the afternoon, the governor toured downtown St. Michaels to visit small business owners and mom-and-pop shops that have displayed incredible resilience and creativity to overcome the challenges of the past several months.

View photos from the governor’s St. Michaels walking tour here.


Governor Hogan participates in outdoor fall activities with young Marylanders at Councell Farms.

Governor Hogan’s final stop was Councell Farms in Cordova, where he promoted safe fall outdoor activities and the importance of supporting local farms. Councell Farms has provided Marylanders with farm-fresh products and family fun since 1981.

View photos from the governor’s stop at Councell Farms here.



Well-Known Member
As a resident of MD. I do not care what Hogan does. He misrepresented himself as being a Republican, and the state is Demo because of gerrymandering. Good job, Hogan. What a power hungry piece of you know. I hope Hogan sees my post. He won’t, and if he does, he won’t care. Go Trump! Our last hope to retain the Country that we are proud of, forever. God bless the USA.

I posted this because the thing that got me is Hogan voted for Reagan in our current election. Reagan was a great Prez, but he is dead. Did Hogan think about what he was doing when he voted? He is a mockery. I am sorry I voted for him. He will never be Prez. Please someone tell him not to run for prez, unless it is as a Demo. And, now, the more I think about it, Hogan is a candidate for ultimate hypocrite politician. There was an assassination attempt on Reagan. Hogan should go away, and live, peacefully, with his oriental wife. Or does Hogan have Chinese ties, too? Oh wait, we saw that awhile back because of the scamdemic. Hogan is a scam, too.
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