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All Up In Your Grill
Poor Little Fella...video in the link.


Boy tackled during CSU football game recovering
Family hopes accident won't stop kids from seeing games close-up

by Vinita Nair, News2

April 24, 2007

FORT COLLINS (KWGN) — Four-year-old Caden Thomas has at least two dozen stitches in his forehead, and a brand new football signed by CSU head coach Sonny Lubick. Aside from that, his life is back to normal.

Thomas was playing on the sidelines of the CSU football game this past Saturday when receiver George Hill stumbled out of bounds and tackled him. Hill was completing a touchdown pass thrown by quarterback Caleb Hanie. A shocked stadium watched as the little boy was transported to the hospital with blood covering his head. Both of his parents were at the game.

"He was so bloody we thought that there was other wounds up on his head," says Holly Thomas, the boys mother. "Caden was in the wrong place at the wrong time you know I think you have to label it as really an accident."

The Thomas' say that at this time they have no interest in pursuing legal action against the University. They say they are hoping this incident does not deter them form hosting youngsters out on the field during the game.

"I am sure they have done it for every year they have had football there probably close to it and I bet there hasn't been an accident like this happen."
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nachomama said:
The Thomas' say that at this time they have no interest in pursuing legal action against the University.

They say they are hoping this incident does not deter them form hosting youngsters out on the field during the game.
Figure the odds


All Up In Your Grill
Momma said...

"Caden was in the wrong place at the wrong time you know I think you have to label it as really an accident."


I know nothing
When I saw that this morning and heard that kid crying, I felt so helpless...

I mean when my boy falls off his bike, I tell him to get up and rub some dirt on it.

But just hearing that kid in pain, was heart breaking.

I couldnt imagine how that player felt. Not only did he hurt himself, but creamed the kid too. double wammy!!!!

I was impressed to see the player instantly pick up the boy and make sure we was ok first


Watch it
Thanks for posting this- I was wondering what injuries he had received. Talk about painful!!! I'm just thankful stitches were his biggest concern. That is one lucky kid!

Kudos to the parents for being intelligent enough not to blame anybody! It's about time!