Pickens for President


New Member
I think this is a statement on how sad this countries leadership is.

Anyone else see the Pickens Plan adds?

Anyone else think those adds say more about what needs to be done for this country and offer more of a 'plan' than anything Obama or Mccain have proposed?

This is a guy that actually knows how to run a large business and make things happen. Or, we have a guy that served in the military and got shot down (yippy) or a guy that... well, who knows what Obama has really done.


I would love to see a successful businessman run for the office of President. Do I think it will ever happen? NO! The powers that be will never allow it.


New Member
As much as folks laughed at Ross Pero's ears, he did have a better financial plan for the country than any of the current BOZO's either in office or running.


New Member
I would love to see a successful businessman run for the office of President. Do I think it will ever happen? NO! The powers that be will never allow it.

Not many successful business men want their lives exposed to scrutiny such as the Candidates for the presidency have to accept.

I mean the guy may have screwed a Secretary sometime in his life or evicted an old lady from her home. He may have even had a drink and run off at the mouth a time or two.

Another thing is they have already achieved a certain amount of power and dont have that hunger for having their asses kissed 24 hours a day like politicians.


New Member
Go to Calif and see all the broken windmill's. After 20 years they break/wear out their bearings, and as they don't make money, nobody repairs them.

So yea, lets build a lot more feel good solutions.


New Member
All Pickens wants is Government money and deregulation so he can put in his windmills where he wants to. He said as much yesterday morning on FBN. If windmills were so great, no tax breaks or government help would be needed. Same with solar.
Speaking of solar, the envirowhackos have blocked construction of solar farms on federal land in the desert. The eco-freaks want any alternative energy until it is viable, then they stop it. They want the US to be like India and Eqypt.


New Member
All Pickens wants is Government money and deregulation so he can put in his windmills where he wants to. He said as much yesterday morning on FBN. If windmills were so great, no tax breaks or government help would be needed. Same with solar.
Speaking of solar, the envirowhackos have blocked construction of solar farms on federal land in the desert. The eco-freaks want any alternative energy until it is viable, then they stop it. They want the US to be like India and Eqypt.

I smell SCAM


New Member
I smell SCAM

As opposed to our elected offocials who accept huge sums of money from the oil companies and then pledge to not be influenced by it? Ever think that the oil companies really are in control of our country?

Hell, the profits from some of that oil are being used to BUY our country... see Chrystler Building.


New Member
As opposed to our elected offocials who accept huge sums of money from the oil companies and then pledge to not be influenced by it? Ever think that the oil companies really are in control of our country?

Hell, the profits from some of that oil are being used to BUY our country... see Chrystler Building.

Look, he is a money making machine. Good on him. But just because he smells money comming from washington, and he has a bad idea on how to spend it...I smell SCAM.

Just visit California to see those broken windmills. Maby he can just buy them, fix them and keep the profits (if there are any).


New Member
Assuming all those windmills really are broken, without cost data its really difficult to say whether or not its worth fixing them. If we started to actually rely on alternative energy, people would probably have more interest in fixing them, eh?

Don't get me wrong, if the econamics aren't there for wind, then they are not there, but I haven't seen firm numbers on how much a windmill costs, average energy generated and lifespan. I'll be honest, I think nuclear power makes the most sense, but that's hasn't gone anywhere in many a year...


New Member
Assuming all those windmills really are broken, without cost data its really difficult to say whether or not its worth fixing them. If we started to actually rely on alternative energy, people would probably have more interest in fixing them, eh?

Don't get me wrong, if the econamics aren't there for wind, then they are not there, but I haven't seen firm numbers on how much a windmill costs, average energy generated and lifespan. I'll be honest, I think nuclear power makes the most sense, but that's hasn't gone anywhere in many a year...

Nuke power is SCALEABLE, just ask the French who sell excess energy to Germany. Now thats a money making item, we just need to reduce regulations to see it happen.

Try to scale up wind power and see how many tons of iron ore you will need.

The party that states they will build 200 nukes, gets my vote.