Pics for BZ


The guy or the horse? The horse has nice form, the guy...not so much:whistle:

I was going to mention that even I have better equitation over fences than that guy, but I'm not jumping over 4'. :lmao:

Hey, have you ever seen the movie "Horse in the Grey Flannel Suit"?

FS2, gorgeous horse!
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Hunter/Eq. Trainer :-)
Here's a new one for you. Love pic no. 2!

Spencer Ranch - Popeye K

I guess clients excuse Tommy Serio's Equitation when he is able to bring along horses like Popeye K. Just wish I had a pinch of the talent & the success he has had over so many years. Not great equitation, but he is very effective in getting the most out of his clients Hunter Mounts.

Guess you can't tell I'm a fan of the horses he turns out.:whistle::yahoo: I do understand the Equitation issue though.:lmao:

Fred u knew those pics would make me. :drool::drool::drool::lmao:

Here is the video clips from Florida, Harrisburg, & Washington. Man it looks like Tommy stays out of Popeye K's way & lets him do his thing. Amazing!!! :jerry:


New Member
It's hunters, all about showcasing the horse. I've read the riders sometimes exaggerate their style to reinforce the impression of a great jump. If Mr. Serio wanted to I'm sure he could equitate perfectly. Obviously his style on Popeye K works. I've always thought he was an awesomely beautiful horse and knew BZ would salivate over him as well. :biggrin:


I like all the chrome. I guess hunter people don't call the *bling* chrome like the QHers huh? Oh well you know what I mean. Besides I don't mine his equitation, as I said...he's the one jumping over 4', I am not. I will not either! I jumped 3'11" ONCE on a 17.3 DuWB and I will never, ever do that again. Nope. :lmao: More power to him.


New Member
I've always heard chrome refered to as white markings and bling as the sometimes over-the-top crystals and sparkles the jr riders would adorn helmets with. btw, I love the blinged out browbands made for dressage bridles! Don't know how appropriate they are but they sure are pretty!



I am getting the movie Horse in the Gray Flannel Suit for Christmas. That is one of my favorite movies.


New Member
Paint IS breed, but...

No, paint is a breed. You can't be a paint unless you came from a paint.

Pinto is a color, but even then, I don't believe that he qualifies.

this is barrelracer, under elliesmom name- my dad breeds paints and I MUST clarify this for you- Paint is a breed, but it can come from other Paints, Quarter Horese or Thououghbreds. Just thought it wold let you know, my dad would have a fit if I did not clarify this for you.:poke:


this is barrelracer, under elliesmom name- my dad breeds paints and I MUST clarify this for you- Paint is a breed, but it can come from other Paints, Quarter Horese or Thououghbreds. Just thought it wold let you know, my dad would have a fit if I did not clarify this for you.:poke:

Well, I said it had to come from A paint and it does. You can not breed two Jockey Club TBs and get a paint. :buddies:

I'm a stickler for rule books.

'Course you can go and register that horse to be approved for breeding in that association...still doesn't make them a paint. My stallion went through inspection and is certified and nominated (and REGISTERED) with the American Warmblood Society, he is not a warmblood though. See the difference?
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