Pierce to Giants...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
...I'm BEGGING somebody to explain this one!!!

It is arguable that no single player meant more to the 'Skins last year than Antonio. The guy has been around the team for a few years as a back up and special teamer and given the opportunity to start, he starred. In Coach Williams dynamic, complicated defense you MUST have a middle linebacker who understands it thoroughly to make the instant onfield changes needed to make the thing fly. Then that guy must go make the plays. Most people thought Pierce should have made the Pro Bowl.


The guy was allowed to look into free agency, see what the market said he was worth and gave the Skins the last shot at signing him.


There's nothing exhorbitant about $26 mil/6 years and a $6.5 mil signing bonus. Especially on a team where strangers get way more than that all the time, guys who've done NOTHING for the team. That's frikkin $4 mil a year or so. Last week the team was going to be happy to eat $5 mil of LC's contract just to trade him. Eat $5 mil...for NOTHING.

Not even I can defend this. Not even I can polish this turd. Everything I preached about Gibbs and what he brought to the table was all about the kind of players he would choose. There is no one, not one single player who more represnts the Gibbs character and smarts style of player than Antonion Pierce.

And now, of course, he's a Giant because we don't do reasonable contracts. It's either gotta be way to much or forget it.