Piling on Joe Biden


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
This is the new in thing to do, but let us please remember that DOJ is headed by Merrick Garland, and DHS is headed by Mayorkis. President Turnip Brain likely has no idea what they're doing, and likely has no idea he's taking the blame.

Yesterday it was reported that the DOJ paid off settled a lawsuit by Peter Strzok (remember him, the FBI guy who exchanged treasonous texts with his FBI mistress?). In the suit Strzok claimed then-President Trump violated his right to privacy by making public his personal texts threatening Trump. Garland just handed him $1.2 million.

I know, I know - the buck stops at the president. And isn't that convenient? That way none of the bad actors are held responsible - Joe gets all the blame, and not only is he going to be out of office soon but he's an addled old man who isn't going to rot in prison the way he deserves. So all of those government shitbags - Wray, Garland, Mayorkis, Burns, and even Cheatle - will walk away scot free with some jingle in their pocket.

"Draining the swamp" is a daunting task because there are so many crooks with fingers in every pie. We've let it get away from us and now I'm not sure we can turn it back. Trump can and will fire all these people when he's re-elected, but they just get replaced with some other shitbag - good men and women don't want to roll in the muck with politicians and media scum.