Pirate calls for end to child porn ban


Lawful neutral

Rick Falkvinge, the founder Sweden's Pirate Party, has found himself in hot water after publishing a lengthy polemic calling for the legalization of child pornography.

In a lengthy post published on his personal blog at the weekend, Falkvinge outlined "three reasons why the ownership of child pornography must be legalized in the coming decade."

The man hailed as a "pioneer" of the European Pirate movement which champions information freedom and argues against copyright protections argued that the ban on owning images of children being raped was "an open wound in the tradition of the enlightenment and the freedom of information."


Snarky 'ol Cuss
I understand his point. Child pornographers should be strung up by their genitals using piano wire, but.....

Anyone can be accused of child porn, and it's so easy to surreptitiously slip it on to your computer without you knowing -- just ask Scott Ritter about this. And there's virtually no way to prove you're not guilty once you're accused.

I bet there are many patrons of this forum with something deep in the cache of their browser or other temporary storage that could conceivably be considered child porn.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I understand his point. Child pornographers should be strung up by their genitals using piano wire, but.....

Anyone can be accused of child porn, and it's so easy to surreptitiously slip it on to your computer without you knowing -- just ask Scott Ritter about this. And there's virtually no way to prove you're not guilty once you're accused.

I bet there are many patrons of this forum with something deep in the cache of their browser or other temporary storage that could conceivably be considered child porn.

Are you trying to tell us something about yourself? Because I do not have any kiddie porn on my computer, inadvertent or otherwise. No, not even in my browser cache because I do not visit sites like that.

This guy is a psycho and a perv. He does not have a point, he has a mental illness.


Snarky 'ol Cuss
Are you trying to tell us something about yourself? Because I do not have any kiddie porn on my computer, inadvertent or otherwise. No, not even in my browser cache because I do not visit sites like that.

You wanna bet me money on how quickly I could make that true? You wouldn't even know.

I don't know why complex and nuanced issues are so hard for you to understand.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I don't know why complex and nuanced issues are so hard for you to understand.

I'm sorry that you feel this is a "complex and nuanced" issue. It's pretty simplistic for me. Perhaps next you can tackle the complex and nuanced task of tying your own shoelaces?




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