Pitt v. Xavier...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
it was good but both teams were shooting the ball really bad.

See, I was looking for the announcers to give them a break; when kids are playing THAT hard and really banging each other around, contesting EVERYTHING, in bounds, layups, mid and long range jumpers, walking on and off the court ( :lol: ) you just can't shoot well. My God, layups were a 50/50 proposition! I think it was simply indicative of how hard the kids were playing.

I love that! :buddies:


See, I was looking for the announcers to give them a break; when kids are playing THAT hard and really banging each other around, contesting EVERYTHING, in bounds, layups, mid and long range jumpers, walking on and off the court ( :lol: ) you just can't shoot well. My God, layups were a 50/50 proposition! I think it was simply indicative of how hard the kids were playing.

I love that! :buddies:

I had Xavier on my sheet as my pick so I was kind of bummed :lol: But it was a good game. The kid Levance Fields(?) really put the game away for Pitt towards the end. He was unstoppable!! Good game though :buddies: