Pituitary Tumor


New Member
My 17 year old niece had some blood work done and her prolactin level came back at nearly 50 (normal range is 20). Her Doc indicated this most likely meant she had a pituitary tumor. She went for an MRI today and when she was done her mother asked the Doc when the results would be to her Doc and he looked at her with a concerned look and said they will be on her desk first thing tomorrow morning. He had told the patient before her that they were backed up and results would not be in for at least 3 - 4 days. Does anyone know anything about this condition? TIA


Well-Known Member
I have had a tumor on my pituitary gland for 8 years now. It grew for a bit and knocked out my peripheral vision. Freaked me the hell out. I used to get migraine after migraine. I blacked out a few times. Finally, I had an MRI done. The monitored it for awhile then gave me some type of drug to reduce the size. Tests show that it was non-cancerous. 2 years later I had a tumor on my jawbone removed. I was born with a tumor near my throat. When I was 7 my doctor found one in my left cheek. Those have never grown. Anywho, 6 years ago a specialist told me that I had some syndrome that normally occurs in children under the age of ten that causes facial tumors. It has about 13 letters in the name. I can't remember the name.
The tumor on my pituitary glad is now causing hormonal isssues. So, it's MRI time to look at it again. The doc thinks that it may be causing my insomnia and migraines. I have an appointment next week to check all of my hormone levels and an appointment later next month for a MRI.

Tell your niece to hang in there and get a great doctor. :huggy:


Tight Pants and Lipstick
PREMO Member
A couple of years ago, I was given a roundabout of tests - prelims only, I think (only so many tests I can remember) as I was giving heavy indications of a pituitary tumor as well.

The bloodwork did not indicate an MRI, but the symptoms did. We decided to hold off and re-check the bloodwork, which we never did. :confused: As a matter of fact, I let it go to the wayside, though many of the symptoms are still present. :shrug:

Back to your niece. I sure hope that everything turns out okay. I recall being told that most of the time the tumors are benign, and that no real overt or drastic (surgical) intervention is needed, usually. Keep your hopes up! :yay:


New Member
My 17 year old niece had some blood work done and her prolactin level came back at nearly 50 (normal range is 20). Her Doc indicated this most likely meant she had a pituitary tumor. She went for an MRI today and when she was done her mother asked the Doc when the results would be to her Doc and he looked at her with a concerned look and said they will be on her desk first thing tomorrow morning. He had told the patient before her that they were backed up and results would not be in for at least 3 - 4 days. Does anyone know anything about this condition? TIA

My mother had a pituitary tumor. She had headaches. Went for MRI. They said OH you have a brain tumor.

Happy ending is that almost all pituitary tumors are benign. She had surgery to remove it (thru the nose). She was eating the next day. Offered radiation to completely shrink it but she opted out of that. Get MRI every year or so to see if it is growing back. Hers has not. She also has to take hormone supplements. All in all normal life...



Well-Known Member
My 17 year old niece had some blood work done and her prolactin level came back at nearly 50 (normal range is 20). Her Doc indicated this most likely meant she had a pituitary tumor. She went for an MRI today and when she was done her mother asked the Doc when the results would be to her Doc and he looked at her with a concerned look and said they will be on her desk first thing tomorrow morning. He had told the patient before her that they were backed up and results would not be in for at least 3 - 4 days. Does anyone know anything about this condition? TIA

Certain tumors of the pituitary gland cause Giantism. She's not 9 foot tall is she? All diagnosed giants have had pituitary tumors.

Hope all goes well for your niece. :huggy: