Placenta Previa


Well-Known Member
Anybody ever have it and did it change through out the pregnancy?

Not sure what you mean by "did it change". I did but it was years ago, technology has improved so we weren't aware of it until it threw me into premature labor.


New Member
I had marginal placenta previa with the twins early on that did move up. I never had any issues with it - I was just told to take it easy (and no sex!). At the time I was taking vaginal suppositories for estrogen and they'd make me bleed a little. But, like I say the placenta did move - that wasn't what caused the to come early.


Having Fun!
Anybody ever have it and did it change through out the pregnancy?

Partial with #3 & it did resolve itself by moving. Had it again with #4, resulted in problems and ended up on total bedrest at U of Md in Baltimore for 2 months while they tried to stop premature labor. "Baby" is now 12 & doing the middle school thing & driving me nuts. :killingme

Do what the doctor tells you & feel free to PM me with questions -- don't really want to put some stuff out there on the internet.


I had it with my first son. The placenta stays where it starts forming. I will not change through out your pregnancy except that it will get bigger as the baby does. I had to have a C-section with him due to complications. So you might need to prepare yourself for that. Make sure you have someone around to help you after the birth if you have a C-section as it takes a lot longer to heal. Good Luck. Hope everything comes out ok. Don't be scared. The docs face this issue all the time and know how to handle it. :huggy:


New Member
I guess change wasnt the right word. I was more asking if as everything stretched did the placenta stretch along with everything and get out of the way so baby can come out? Does that make sense. lol

I had it with my first son. The placenta stays where it starts forming. I will not change through out your pregnancy except that it will get bigger as the baby does. I had to have a C-section with him due to complications. So you might need to prepare yourself for that. Make sure you have someone around to help you after the birth if you have a C-section as it takes a lot longer to heal. Good Luck. Hope everything comes out ok. Don't be scared. The docs face this issue all the time and know how to handle it. :huggy:


Little ol' Me
I had it with my son. No it never moved out of the way, my son sat on it the entire pregency, yes I bleed the entire 9 months worse than having your period...


New Member
I guess change wasnt the right word. I was more asking if as everything stretched did the placenta stretch along with everything and get out of the way so baby can come out? Does that make sense. lol

When I was pg with my son I was diagnosed with placenta previa at approx. 22 weeks. It did "move out of the way" and was completely normal by the end of the pregnancy. There is probably a good chance that yours will correct itself too. GL


Well-Known Member
I guess change wasnt the right word. I was more asking if as everything stretched did the placenta stretch along with everything and get out of the way so baby can come out? Does that make sense. lol

I just wasn't sure what you meant and like I said, mine was ages ago and it couldn't even be diagnosed when it happened to me (a year or so before sonograms). It should be fine with the technology today.


New Member
I had it with my first son. The placenta stays where it starts forming. I will not change through out your pregnancy except that it will get bigger as the baby does. I had to have a C-section with him due to complications. So you might need to prepare yourself for that. Make sure you have someone around to help you after the birth if you have a C-section as it takes a lot longer to heal. Good Luck. Hope everything comes out ok. Don't be scared. The docs face this issue all the time and know how to handle it. :huggy:
Yes...they can move over some, and far enough from the cervix to not cause a problem.