Places to shoot


New Member
Where are some good places to shoot? I go to MSAR but they don't allow any bigger stuff. If anybody knows somewhere please let me know! Thanks! :larry:
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Crow Bait

New Member
Sanners Lake Sportsman's Club.

$125 yearly dues.

Must be sponsored by two members. Attend and shoot at some of the events that are open to the public to get to know two sponsors.

The Skeet Range is open to the public on Wednesday evenings, and Sunday afternoons.

Sanner's Lake Website
There are several other events open to the public from time to time too... they will be posted on the website.


Well-Known Member
Sanner's membership is currenty closed due to being at the limit. However, events are open to non-members as posted on the web site.


New Member
Iraq. Enlist in the Army. Volunteer for combat duty. Lots of shooting for you. Plus, you'll be "Army Strong" too.