Play Groups


New Member
My family and I just moved to the area in October. Our older children have school and school friends but my youngest(3 years) has noone. :frown: We live in a rented townhouse in Kingsview White Plains. Although I have seen children at a Halloween parade I see none on a regular basis. She is so lonely for a playmate, she has started to make up friends.:bawl: I stay home with her everyday but Mommy is not the same as a 3-4 year old. I won't put her in daycare(personal reasons) and I feel bad that she is so lonely. Any suggestions? I have considered keeping another child her age to make a bit of extra money and to give her a playmate. I have looked on-line for groups or such with no luck. What do you all think?

Thanks for any help-:wink:


yeah yeah
Well I would help you out on sundays or mondays or something. My neices are 3 and 4 1/2. would fit right in. I work tuesday through saturday, but i would be free to hang out on sunday or monday. :smile:


Picking up a playmate during the day is a good option. Check around the neighborhood and see if anyone knows somebody looking for a sitter. If not right away, I am sure you will hear something soon. If you are looking for a daycare center that will take a child just a few days a week, check with CCFD on St. Charles Parkway. I have my son there and he loves it.
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b*tch rocket
You might want to check with the Methodist Church up in La Plata. I know they have a ton of stuff for kids up there. A friend of mine does the "mom's day out" where you drop your kid for the day to play with other kids.


You may consider taking her to the library. Certain days of the week, the library in New Market (and possibly others as well) has story time for the little ones. We used to take our munchkins to it and they had a good time.


Bryans Road has the story time too and it isn't that far to go. Boy, I just read my post before I went to bed last night. It didn't make any sense so I edited it. Must have been tired!:wink:
I think there may be a chapter of the Moms Club ( in Waldorf. I think I've seen their meetings and stuff advertised in the Pennysaver. I'm sure they are probably like the chapter in Lusby, that has a Mom's night out, scheduled playgroups and such. So my suggestion would be to keep your eyes open in the newspapers (and Pennysavers) for info on joining.