Players Kicked Off Team After Incident w/ hookers


Lawful neutral
Report: 5 DeMatha Football Players Kicked Off Team After Incident With Prostitutes | NBC4 Washington

Five DeMatha High School football players have been removed from the team after apparently hiring three prostitutes last weekend, the Washington Post reported.

A parent told the Post that some of the boys had sexual intercourse with the prostitutes after hiring them over the internet. Two have been withdrawn from the school, and two more are facing expulsion. The fifth is facing a disciplinary hearing.


In My Opinion
when will people learn to stay out of other peoples sex lives?

at least they werent gaying out with each other instead


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
when will people learn to stay out of other peoples sex lives?

at least they werent gaying out with each other instead

Bull. i don't see where the sex of the hookers was mentioned.

DeMatha principal releases statement regarding football team incident - The Washington Post

“The past weekend the school’s football team traveled to North Carolina for a game. We sent 18 chaperones and 65 players. Prior to the trip a meeting was held with all parents and students to outline procedures and expectations. Expectations for behavior were reinforced throughout the trip. As on all field trips, we conducted room checks and monitored hallways. The last bed checks were at 1:30 a.m. Saturday morning and the hallways were monitored until after 4:30 a.m.

18 chaperones????? More than 1 for every four "players". And they still could not keep track of what was happening?

Pathetic. Just pathetic. Ya think the players knew the "hall monitors" would only monitor until 0430?

Those involved should be ejected - expelled - from the school, not 'withdrawn".

What a PC answer to another social mis-adventure. :killingme