Playoff scenario...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I freely admit that this is rediculous BUT...

This weekend:

If the Bucs beat the Cats (very possible)


Bengals (more cats) beat the Giants (good chance)


The Birds (Falcons) beat the Saints (50-50)


The Birds (Eagles) beat the Rams (toss up)


The Skins beat the Boys (100% stone cold lock)

and then...

The Skins beat the Vikes in two weeks (101% gimme)


The Washington Redskins will go to the playoffs.

The paper says so. After this weekend the Skins could hold their future in their hands. UFB. That would make the Vike game in essense, a playoff game.

Care to guess who has tix?

Stay tuned true believers!

And then they sang...



Nothing to see here
:yay: :yay:

<img src="">


Football season!
I think there is a better chance that chasey,pixie,mig,crabby,tina,nickel,rose and kain all going down on me this weekend :ohwell:

I love the skins and all... but... damn...


Larry Gude said:
I freely admit that this is rediculous BUT...

This weekend:

If the Bucs beat the Cats (very possible)


Bengals (more cats) beat the Giants (good chance)


The Birds (Falcons) beat the Saints (50-50)


The Birds (Eagles) beat the Rams (toss up)


The Skins beat the Boys (100% stone cold lock)

and then...

The Skins beat the Vikes in two weeks (101% gimme)


The Washington Redskins will go to the playoffs.

The paper says so. After this weekend the Skins could hold their future in their hands. UFB. That would make the Vike game in essense, a playoff game.

Care to guess who has tix?

Stay tuned true believers!

And then they sang...


It most certainly can happen... :dance: Now when all of this does happen and they say we are in the playoffs are they saying it's a wildcard spot or the actual playoffs :shrug:

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
dems4me said:
It most certainly can happen... :dance: Now when all of this does happen and they say we are in the playoffs are they saying it's a wildcard spot or the actual playoffs :shrug:
:dur: Only two categories make the playoffs, division winners and wildcard teams. Since Philly has locked the division the 'Skins are in, what, if anything, do you think they would end up with?


Ken King said:
:dur: Only two categories make the playoffs, division winners and wildcard teams. Since Philly has locked the division the 'Skins are in, what, if anything, do you think they would end up with?

well of course :dur: everyone keeps saying we can be in the playoffs... wouldn't the wild card games come first (not playoffs) and then if we win THAT we can then make it into the playoffs :ohwell:l


Asperger's Poster Child
Larry Gude said:
I freely admit that this is rediculous BUT...
From Kornheiser's December 6 column:

While I have your attention, let me state unequivocally that the following is an example of wishful thinking that I don't want to read or hear in the coming week: "You know, the way the Redskins played against the Giants, if they can do that against the Eagles on Sunday night, they can beat the Eagles, and that would put them at 5-8, and you know the NFC is brutally weak, and since the Redskins own tiebreakers against Tampa Bay, Chicago and Detroit, it's possible that they could go 8-8 and get into the play . . . " Stop it! Stop it! Don't even think it. I beg you, do not mention "Redskins" and "playoffs" together. No, no, 1,000 times no. See comment above on flying pigs. Thank you. Now back to Les Boulez...

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
dems4me said:
well of course :dur: everyone keeps saying we can be in the playoffs... wouldn't the wild card games come first (not playoffs) and then if we win THAT we can then make it into the playoffs :ohwell:l
No, playoffs start after the regular season is over. Usually two division winners play two wildcard teams in the first round in each league with the remaining two division winners receiving a bye. The following week the winners play the bye teams and those playoff games lead to the league championship followed by the Super Bowl. They are all playoff games leading up to the Super Bowl as the loser goes home, hence the term playoff.


Larry Gude said:
I freely admit that this is rediculous BUT...

This weekend:

If the Bucs beat the Cats (very possible)


Bengals (more cats) beat the Giants (good chance)


The Birds (Falcons) beat the Saints (50-50)


The Birds (Eagles) beat the Rams (toss up)


The Skins beat the Boys (100% stone cold lock)

and then...

The Skins beat the Vikes in two weeks (101% gimme)
and if the Queen had balls she'd be King :cheers:


Ken King said:
No, playoffs start after the regular season is over. Usually two division winners play two wildcard teams in the first round in each league with the remaining two division winners receiving a bye. The following week the winners play the bye teams and those playoff games lead to the league championship followed by the Super Bowl. They are all playoff games leading up to the Super Bowl as the loser goes home, hence the term playoff.

Well I guess the term playoffs is used loosely... I had always broken them down to the following

regular season
wildcard games
playoff games
championship games


Set Trippin
dems4me said:
Well I guess the term playoffs is used loosely... I had always broken them down to the following

regular season
wildcard games
playoff games
championship games

Here is the tekkie breakdown:
Wild Card - 4 Games
Divisional Playoffs - 4 Games
Conference Championships - 2 Games
and of course
Super Bowl XXXIX....


mainman said:

Here is the tekkie breakdown:
Wild Card - 4 Games
Divisional Playoffs - 4 Games
Conference Championships - 2 Games
and of course
Super Bowl XXXIX....

That's what I posted and was kramed with red stating I was an idiot :shrug: technically we are not in the playoffs if the scenario were to play out... we'd be in the wildcard game and then if we won we'd be in the playoffs... :ohwell: This was just like arguing the Ramsey v. Brunnell issue earlier in the year where I was told I was wrong to go with Ramsey... now I'm wondering how many of the same folks wish we had listened to my advise and used Ramsey earlier in the season as I suggested:shrug:


Set Trippin
dems4me said:
That's what I posted and was kramed with red stating I was an idiot :shrug: technically we are not in the playoffs if the scenario were to play out... we'd be in the wildcard game and then if we won we'd be in the playoffs... :ohwell: This was just like arguing the Ramsey v. Brunnell issue earlier in the year where I was told I was wrong to go with Ramsey... now I'm wondering how many of the same folks wish we had listened to my advise and used Ramsey earlier in the season as I suggested:shrug:
<TABLE cellPadding=2 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR vAlign=top align=left><TD>2 entries found for playoff.

<!-- begin ahd4 --><TABLE><TBODY><TR><TD>play·off also play-off

n. Sports
  1. A final game or series of games played to break a tie.
  2. A series of games played to determine a championship.

Wildcard games are still playoff games...



Set Trippin
1 entry found for wildcard.

<!-- begin ahd4 --><TABLE><TBODY><TR><TD>wild·card or wild card

  1. Sports. An athlete or team selected to compete in a tournament or playoff from among those who did not qualify by meeting the regular requirements.