
My boyfriend has a two year old little boy. We are looking into swingets and have come upon many different options. Metal or wooden? Buy the whole kit and put together? Or buy the plans and lumber seperate and build it that way? The metal with it concreted in the ground? But he's trying to sell the house, the market is not good, he's going to take it off and when it picks up put it back. Will the metal swingset concreted into the ground lower the value somehow? When I took this project of finding a swinget didn't think it would involve so many options. A quality swingset for $500 or less. Don't/can't spend over that. Now the question I have for ya'll. Have you had a problem with the ready-to-build kit wood rotting, or being soft? When buying the plans and wood seperate was it more expensive? Do the metal ones rust quickly and, with it concreted into the ground, if we sell the house and move to another, will it be hard to remove or lower the value? Any insight will be of great help! TIA!


New Member
My boyfriend has a two year old little boy. We are looking into swingets and have come upon many different options. Metal or wooden? Buy the whole kit and put together? Or buy the plans and lumber seperate and build it that way? The metal with it concreted in the ground? But he's trying to sell the house, the market is not good, he's going to take it off and when it picks up put it back. Will the metal swingset concreted into the ground lower the value somehow? When I took this project of finding a swinget didn't think it would involve so many options. A quality swingset for $500 or less. Don't/can't spend over that. Now the question I have for ya'll. Have you had a problem with the ready-to-build kit wood rotting, or being soft? When buying the plans and wood seperate was it more expensive? Do the metal ones rust quickly and, with it concreted into the ground, if we sell the house and move to another, will it be hard to remove or lower the value? Any insight will be of great help! TIA!

My husband made our swing set, two swings, gym rings and 1 two seat swing.
I believe he only used 2- 2x12's bolted together for the top beam, 4- 4x4's for legs, and 2or3-2x6's for braces. He made it in an afternoon and I'm sure it was less than 300. It's set in the ground with rebar stakes and isn't going anywhere but could be easily moved and all treated lumber. Child is 8 and still loves it.
My husband made our swing set, two swings, gym rings and 1 two seat swing.
I believe he only used 2- 2x12's bolted together for the top beam, 4- 4x4's for legs, and 2or3-2x6's for braces. He made it in an afternoon and I'm sure it was less than 300. It's set in the ground with rebar stakes and isn't going anywhere but could be easily moved and all treated lumber. Child is 8 and still loves it.

The bf is handy like that so I think he could do it. I think he's concerned it will end up costing more. But if I can assure him that it won't he would be fine with that. Did you husband write down a plan of what it was going to look like or was it pulled from his mind as he was buidling?


New Member
The bf is handy like that so I think he could do it. I think he's concerned it will end up costing more. But if I can assure him that it won't he would be fine with that. Did you husband write down a plan of what it was going to look like or was it pulled from his mind as he was buidling?

The swings, brackets, etc. came as a kit from Lowes I believe. The plans where included, we went with the smallest option - just a basic swing set. If I remember correctly the kit was more than the lumber. I'll ask him this evening. The two seat swing he bought seperate.


Power with Control


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New Member
IMHO, this right here is all a two year old really needs, for a couple of years at least. No swing, but the climbing is better for the little guy anyway:)

LITTLE TIKES CLIMBER CUBE SLIDE GYM TYKES STEP 2 OHIO!! - eBay (item 190218716509 end time May-04-08 16:33:15 PDT)

My 22 month old would be bored on that in less than 5 minutes. She plays on the big kids playground stuff at the park and loves it. Her favorite thing though is the toddler swing because I can push her really high and she doesn't have to worry about holding on, but she can swing on the big kids swing.