Please help


New Member
Hi, my name is Holly and my husband recently started a job at the base. We live in Baltimore now and know very little about St. Mary's County, We found a house but the school area is for Carver. Our son is three and we are concerned becuase we heard some not so great things about Carver. Please let me know any info. at all.
Thanks so much.


Kernel panic: Aiee.......
Where is this house you found?
I'm asking because Carver Elementry is no longer in the South Hampton subdivision of Lexington Park. It is currently in a temporary location a good distance from South Hampton. The new Carver Elementry is under construction behind the McKays in Lexington Park. There are also plans to construct "affordable" housing in the area.
I'm not certain, but re-districting will probably occur when the new Carver is complete. It's possible you may now fall under Lexington Park Elementry.
For what it's worth, the old Carver was in a "not so good" neighborhood. The new Carver will be in a slightly better neighborhood.


New Member
I live very close to the Carver Annex, and I had the same concerns for my 7 year old. The annex is an old school house and it is very tiny, with a few trailers behind for added classrooms. I was there just two days ago and the secretary explained to me that the new school wont be ready for some time. I also understand that most of the South Hampton( which is an aweful neighborhood) kids now go to Park Hall, which was my daughters old school. I felt better after having walked through the school.