Please someone..... start a Bible Study


professional daydreamer
Deu 31:8 The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you or forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.


New Member

Me too.... :bawl: Thank you mAlice.

Like I've said a few times.... I've felt comfortable just thinking of Jesus in times of trouble. He's been there.... I've felt His arm around my shoulders.

After I posted this thread this morning.... I know prayers began renewed.... and I sent myself back to bed. I was going to go to work this morning but instead I went back to bed. I slept for hours and when I woke up I knew I was finally on the mend from the chemo. This is only my first round of chemo. I haven't been afraid through this. After all.... what's the alternative.... HEAVEN.... and getting to see Jesus face to face....

My family needs me to stay here. They are always going to need me to stay. So I need my brothers and sisters in Christ to keep up the prayers and the verses.

I believe that Jesus was sitting right beside His Father when everything began. I believe They were together when I became part of Their plan. They knew that I would be given a lot of choices.... but time means nothing to Them. They knew what decisions I would make because they knit my innermost being together, fearfully and wonderfully. They have always known the beginning, the middle, and then end of my time here. That's comforting to me.

God is in control. He is a magnificent Father.



Well-Known Member
Sure all have said prayer for you and yours that pray. I am so sorry...I know what you are going through and I know not helpful you knowing that. I have to put you and your family in the strongest and most loving hands there is.

I really do not handle these type things very well.

Keep fighting and praying.


professional daydreamer
Hot coffee, I'm not really in a place right now to head up a bible study. So much has been revealed since I last opened the good book. Abundance of knowledge near the end, and all that. What an amazing thing to come back to. So, I'm still just taking it all in and trying to put it together in my mind before I do any teaching. HOWEVER, if you are so compelled, and if it will help you get through these rough times, feel free to teach me. I have a lot of catching up to do.

I pray you have a speedy recovery.


mama to two
I'm going through chemo.

I can't lead or post daily but I need a Bible Discussion.


I am so sorry to hear that, hc. Prayers for you. I hope it all goes well for you, friend. I sure can't teach a Bible study, but I will definitely attend class! :smile:


mama to two are a hypocrite .

Please do not muck up hc's thread. She, obviously, is in a bad situation. If you have things to say to me, do it elsewhere. Show some respect. Thank you.

I am sure you forgot to wish hc well, and you will say prayers for her. Maybe you would like to lead the Bible study.


mama to two
I'm rooting for you HC. Feel comfort in knowing that we all care,

^that^ a gazillion times!

I had the pleasure of meeting hc a couple of years ago. She is a doll and then some. Prayers are definitely in order.
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New Member are a hypocrite .

First of all.... prayers are working. I'm feeling much better today.... but I have a long way to go.... please keep it up.

Now.. "hypocrite"..... BigBlue are you considering what Jesus said to the Pharisees in Matthew 23?

Or would you be talking about the log scenario in Matthew 7?

Or maybe you are going in another direction.....

Thanks for continuing the Bible Discussion BigBlue.



Well-Known Member
HC, you are in my thoughts and prayers, stay strong during this trying time. Wishing you the best.


New Member
Since you have access to the web still, I highly recommend this:

Father, be with this sister and strengthen her for this trial. In Jesus' Name, amen.

In agreement with your prayer for Hot Coffee.

Again I say to you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven. (Matthew 18:19)